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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : General-Lab-Techniques
961. How to use a Geiger Counter? - (reply: 2)
962. Fixation of HEp-2 in immunofluorescence slides - (reply: 5)
963. column chromatography - elution buffer for proteins (reply: 2)
964. Electrophoresis problems - (reply: 6)
965. remove carbohydrate from DNA preps - (reply: 4)
966. Radioactive contamination? - (reply: 3)
967. please suggest methods to detect apoptosis - (reply: 4)
968. Hormone leve measurements - any method other than R (reply: 2)
969. How to homogenise tissue in buffer? - (reply: 2)
970. need help plz, band sizes estimation - (reply: 2)
971. DNA molecular weight keeps changes - (reply: 3)
972. Question: Need recommendation for buying Spectrophotmeter - (reply: 5)
973. Microcentrifuge Gel Filtration Question - (reply: 4)
974. sequencing trace question - (reply: 1)
975. sterilizing and fixing - (reply: 2)
976. Different centrifugation duration, different protein?? - (reply: 1)
977. How to store sample organism for future use - (reply: 2)
978. Qubit™ Quantitation Kit - I need your opinion (reply: 4)
979. immunoscreening - (reply: 1)
980. Multiplicity of Infection - (reply: 5)
981. why only SDS - (reply: 3)
982. alpha imager UV glass replacement - cracked glass! (reply: 1)
983. Please help me to choose right Gel imager!!! - (reply: 2)
984. Keeping media at -80C - (reply: 3)
985. Absorbance reading does not match spectra - (reply: 2)
986. Denaturing formaldehyde agarose gel for RNA - Once formaldehyde is added, I see no bands (reply: 8)
987. bacterial culture - (reply: 4)
988. Wet Transfer is not transferring 300kDa protein, why? - problems with wet transfer (reply: 11)
989. Western blot problems - No or vey little transfer, expanding gel in transfer (reply: 5)
990. Dilution with % - (reply: 2)