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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : General-Lab-Techniques
691. Strage conditions for Arsenic trioxide after dissolving in NaOH - (reply: 1)
692. Microplate reader vs spectophotometer - (reply: 3)
693. nitroblue tetrazolium assay - (reply: 1)
694. Iipoprotein determination - (reply: 4)
695. HPLC mobile phase preperation? - (reply: 3)
696. Gradient preparation - (reply: 2)
697. How exactly does an IgG antibody control in ChIP work? - (reply: 3)
698. Convert unit to ul - (reply: 4)
699. Dilution, Cell concentration & DNA content - (reply: 3)
701. What to use as a blank - (reply: 1)
702. How to make up a buffer?? - (reply: 3)
703. Suppliers of bacteriophages in UK - (reply: 1)
704. albumin depletion - (reply: 2)
705. how to convert pixel to micrometer ? - (reply: 5)
706. CO2 Backup system for -80 freezers? - (reply: 1)
707. Environmental DNA extractions - (reply: 2)
708. Serial Dilution Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans - (reply: 1)
709. Full length cDNA - (reply: 4)
710. Protein extraction efficiency - (reply: 2)
711. Triton X-100 and Dialysis - (reply: 2)
712. wrong size in agarose gel, right size in sequencing - (reply: 7)
713. Is mCherry denatured by Trypsin or RIPA buffer? - (reply: 7)
714. 1D analysis electrophoresis software for automated labelling - (reply: 3)
715. protein expression vector.. - (reply: 4)
716. Triton X-100 Stock Solution - (reply: 6)
717. Transfection & Cilia help! - (reply: 3)
718. PCR kit - (reply: 7)
719. PCRing mature form of a gene - (reply: 1)
720. chloroform/Qiagen Dneasy plant mini kit - DNA extraction (reply: 1)