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Top : Forum Archives: : Bioinformatics-and-Biostatistics
571. All that you know about outgroup - Outgroup and tree (reply: 1)
572. funtional significance of promoter SNP - (reply: 3)
573. Exons detection - (reply: 3)
574. Multiple sequence Alignment tool - Is there a tool? (reply: 2)
575. how to find intron - (reply: 5)
576. how do i analyse cloned sequences - Clone and DNA sequence (reply: 12)
577. Seqlab on Mac OS X (tiger) - (reply: 3)
578. Online primer design - (reply: 7)
579. How to find long repeats? - (reply: 2)
580. how many promoters be used - the number of promoters that in use (reply: 1)
581. Recombinant site detection - (reply: 3)
582. finding binding sites - (reply: 1)
583. workflows - arabidopsis/flanking genes (reply: 1)
584. Deterministric indexing of DNA - What do you want to search for? (reply: 2)
585. Software for transformating RNA into cDNA - (reply: 1)
586. cDNA is longer than mRNA? - ensemb's result (reply: 2)
587. Gene finder website - (reply: 1)
588. software for promoter analysis of cis binding sites? - identifying cis-elements in promoter sequences (reply: 10)
589. Blast result: DBSOURCE - (reply: 1)
590. A nature article: A high-resolution map of promoters - (reply: 2)
591. Flow Cytometry Analysis: Linux/Unix - (reply: 7)
592. Programs for the Mac - Good bioinformatics programs for the mac (reply: 5)
593. SOS! how to search all the possible transcription binding site - (reply: 3)
594. Issues of EST in whole genome gene discovery - Issues of EST in whole genome gene discovery (reply: 3)
595. Nucleotides counting - Sequence (reply: 2)
596. primer melting temperature - (reply: 2)
597. sequencing - high peaks, then low peaks (reply: 3)
598. NCBI Build 34 and NCBI Build 35 - (reply: 1)
599. UTR - (reply: 1)
600. end of primer - (reply: 2)

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