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Top : Forum Archives: : Bioinformatics-and-Biostatistics
451. Find promoter sequence of a gene - (reply: 10)
452. How to Draw a 3D structure of a Protein from its amino acid sequece? - (reply: 4)
453. Counting number of nucleotide substitutions - synonymous vs nonsynonymous (reply: 11)
454. 2D PAGE software - (reply: 1)
455. Need cloning program - (reply: 10)
456. project's presentation-16S rRNA - comments are appreciated (reply: 2)
457. normalization by b-actin - (reply: 1)
458. secondary structure of intron - (reply: 2)
459. How do ESTs work? Please explain - Usefullness, mode of action? (reply: 3)
460. Optimizing the Use of Open-source Software Applications in Drug Discovery - PDF Drug Discovery Today (reply: 1)
461. How to download and setup a genome for EMBOSS - (reply: 2)
462. How many base pairs does the simplest bacteria have? - (reply: 2)
463. Phylogenetic trees - Molecular evolution (reply: 2)
464. Database/Search for Transcription Factor binding sites in promotor regions - (reply: 2)
465. Program for DNA sequence to structure conversion - (reply: 3)
466. Cancer database of commonly mutated genomic sequences? - Where did I see this? (reply: 5)
467. oesophageal molecular markers - (reply: 2)
468. hesitation between Rasmol and protein explorer - software (reply: 2)
469. Need help in Using BLAST for beginner - finding the paralog, ortholog and protein (reply: 1)
470. A basic question in molecular evolution - (reply: 2)
471. Workflow of constructing a phylogenetic tree - Sequence alignment (reply: 5)
472. comparison of sequences from 5'-flanking region - (reply: 3)
473. Extracting sequence from Genbank - (reply: 2)
474. Using Remote NCBI blast - (reply: 6)
475. nucleotide sequence search - (reply: 3)
476. CpG calculation? - (reply: 3)
477. Online chemical library - (reply: 2)
478. General equation for protein degradation - (reply: 1)
479. Statistical Significance (Beginner's Question) - (reply: 3)
480. statistic question (chi-square) - (reply: 2)

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