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Top : Forum Archives: : Bioinformatics-and-Biostatistics
181. how to compare promoter regions from two genes - (reply: 2)
182. Free software for tree editing ? - (reply: 3)
183. Bad primer design ? How can I know ? - How could I know if a primer would recognize a particular sequence ? (reply: 2)
184. How reliable are promoter element identities? - (reply: 2)
185. How to find introns and exons? - (reply: 2)
186. Designing RT-RCR Primers according to other species' homology - Using conserved regions as a guide when mRNA isn't known in your a (reply: 1)
187. Calculating Standard deviation - For calculating Kcat? (reply: 2)
188. Combine forward and reverse sequence - (reply: 1)
189. Local alignment - (reply: 2)
190. Database filtering - (reply: 2)
191. Search for gene sequence? - (reply: 3)
192. well recorded data? - how would i know? (reply: 3)
193. how to find binding sites - (reply: 3)
194. I need an animation of a PCR reaction - (reply: 4)
195. Find a known domain a protein? - (reply: 3)
196. No sequence of the genome:(? - (reply: 3)
197. SEQRET assistance - (reply: 2)
198. Alignment - (reply: 2)
199. Do you know a program like "Amplify" - for Windorws (reply: 6)
200. Help with ClustalW - (reply: 4)
201. Searching Sequences in NCBI Databases - (reply: 3)
202. blast search - where is the trick? (reply: 3)
203. find promoter sequences - find promoter sequences of the pgk2 gene in different species like opp (reply: 1)
204. t-student for percentual points - (reply: 1)
205. RefSeq mRNA sequences of barley - Retrieving a non-redundant set of cDNAs (or mRNAs) of barley (reply: 1)
206. Best Quantification Software for blots, scans, films? - What is the best software out there for these purposes? (reply: 1)
207. student's t-test - (reply: 8)
208. SigmaPlot problem - (reply: 3)
209. How to find promoter region between two closely placed genes - (reply: 1)
210. how to check normal distribution of data - real-time PCR data (reply: 2)

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