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Top : Forum Archives: : Bioinformatics-and-Biostatistics
391. Protein structure comparison- sortware needed - (reply: 2)
392. Develop a way to retrieve frequent protein segments by suitable algorithm - program, idea and so on . (reply: 1)
393. STANARD DEVIATION and t-value - (reply: 1)
394. Vector NTI's local database - (reply: 2)
395. four questions about using BLAST search - (reply: 1)
396. question from a non-bioinformatics student - (reply: 1)
397. official database for cancer-related genes - (reply: 3)
398. Newbie question on BLAST methods - (reply: 2)
399. Programming or online tools? - (reply: 3)
400. Finding promoter sequence of a gene - (reply: 2)
401. biostatistics - need your advice (reply: 14)
402. Perl script - parsing non-phosphorylated protein sequences from a Uniprot flat f - (reply: 12)
403. transcription factor search - (reply: 2)
404. Proportion of folding proteins among all 100 AA long proteins - (reply: 1)
405. good program to model 3D changes to protein from mutation - (reply: 1)
406. What does cds in NCBI means? - What does the abbrevation cds in NCBI site stands for? (reply: 1)
407. computer readable databases - (reply: 4)
408. software for contig assembly - (reply: 2)
409. Excel for Statistics? - (reply: 10)
410. BLAST CLUST OR CD-HIT? - Which one can retrieve better results? (reply: 2)
411. Weight matix - (reply: 6)
412. protein consensus - (reply: 6)
413. differential equation - (reply: 3)
414. Repetive sequence - (reply: 7)
415. storage of oligo dT and primer - storage condition (reply: 2)
416. enzyme-ligand interaction - (reply: 2)
417. familiar with NCBI?! - need your help (reply: 4)
418. Filtering & removing non-sequence data from a FASTA FILE using Perl scripts. - (reply: 9)
419. Designing species specific primers for E.coli - please help? (reply: 3)
420. help on selecting a proper statistical test - (reply: 2)

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