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301. mouse CD19 promoter sequence - (reply: 2)
302. Software to draw phylogenetic tree from REP-PCR banding pattern. - (reply: 1)
303. Sequence manipulation programs - (reply: 7)
304. Alternative splicing analysis - anyone know good programs for analysis (reply: 1)
305. database for microarray data - raw data (reply: 2)
306. MyLab - for everyone of us... - The program for Lab Journal and different DataBases... (reply: 4)
307. What are the most important parameters in PCR primer design? - Tm difference, GC clamp, GC%, primer-primer complementarity, self-complementarit (reply: 9)
308. aminoacids in human genome - (reply: 6)
309. Structure based multiple protein alignments - How can I improve my alignments if I have a partial structure? (reply: 4)
310. NCBI Data Download - Nucleotide Download (reply: 4)
311. Which data base is accurate on the internet - (reply: 1)
312. orthology/paralogy mapping of whole genomes - (reply: 4)
313. is the differende significant? - (reply: 2)
314. standalone blast help needed - cant open .nin (reply: 3)
315. Promoters databases... - Anyone knows? (reply: 2)
316. Primer Design software - (reply: 8)
317. NTSYS tutorial - (reply: 1)
318. percentage similarity among a set of sequences - (reply: 4)
319. Power calculation; - Is it possible to calculate statistical power after all experiments and tests ha (reply: 3)
320. How to choose an outgroup for phylogenetic tree? - (reply: 1)
321. Finding regulatory motif - (reply: 2)
322. Parsing blast results - Parsing with biojava failed with new NCBI blast (reply: 2)
323. Accepted Softwares - To publish Data (reply: 3)
324. Boot strap values, confidence level, weights and split values - (reply: 2)
325. Colouring phylogeny map nodes - (reply: 3)
326. anyone knows minimal sample size of cox regression analysis ? - (reply: 1)
327. Given a sequence, how to automatically figure out where are promoters, enhancers - (reply: 1)
328. neighbor tree construction: distance matrix not symmetric? - (reply: 2)
329. a question regarding bioinfomatics - (reply: 4)
330. E-cell Project - (reply: 4)

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