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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Chit-Chat
121. Cooking experience in your PhD - (reply: 8)
122. Who is the best scientist ever - Super famous or semi famous- who is the top scientist in your book? (reply: 18)
123. Going to Africa - any suggestions? (reply: 28)
124. Happy Birthday new Bioforum? - (reply: 1)
125. Bed Time Stories - (reply: 24)
126. Happy Birthday PI - (reply: 12)
127. Happy Xmas - Jingle bell (reply: 24)
128. Happy New Year 2009 - resolutions. (reply: 17)
129. copenhagen e-petition - (reply: 1)
130. Which pGL4 vector to choose - (reply: 1)
131. My day today - .. is gonna be like this : (reply: 596)
132. Hello..I'm a newbie - awesome site - (reply: 3)
133. nice stories u read - (reply: 1)
134. Where is Casandra?? - (reply: 69)
135. to post-docs, who paid for your work computer? - (reply: 7)
136. Peer review - (reply: 4)
137. Just because it's interesting - have a look on it (reply: 246)
138. Good Mystery books - With good Science (reply: 15)
139. Happy Thanksgiving - poor turkeys.... (reply: 4)
140. General Practices and Principles of Laboratory Science - (reply: 5)
141. Happy Birthday lab rat - belated wishes.... (reply: 8)
142. Movies - Recommended (reply: 929)
143. Postdoc where to go hmm - Europe versus USA (reply: 1)
144. doing seminar - (reply: 3)
145. hearing problem - (reply: 6)
146. Online petition for Barack Obama - Following his Peace Nobel (reply: 1)
147. HPV vaccination - Men and Boys? - (reply: 9)
148. Nobel Peace Prize to Obama - anyone surprised? (reply: 33)
149. happy birthday, little mouse - (reply: 10)
150. the pub understanding of science - (reply: 19)

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