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Happy New Year 2009 - resolutions. (Dec/20/2009 )

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I have till now just once made a new year resolution. Out of 2, I got one done and that took all that I could possibly imagine doing. Another year's over and new one will begin . . what are U thinking of for the new year resolution?


I never make any new year resolutions................i did once, when i was a kid..........never worked (nyway it was a hard one)..... :)


well even i have never made any new year resolusions but i m thinkin i willl make some this year!!!!

1) control drinkin and related activites!!!
2) control your anger!!
3) be patient with all including people who irritate you!!
4) dont demand too much from the people you know!!
5) read more!!

Its in order of preference. :)
Will be reviewed every quarterly!! :D

-Pradeep Iyer-

haha, good resolutions pi :o i'll try to stop cracking my fingers, that was this year's resolution but didn't work out very well...


1) stop swearing
2) stop procrastinating

(although the fact that I am on here posting on this thread is proof I am not going to do so great at the second one!!)

Merry xmas and Happy New Year everyone!


Hey Nabi i reaslised just now tat its happy new year 2010... and the topic of the thread reads 2009??!!! :P
is it on purpose??!!! :)

-Pradeep Iyer-

a good late catch, PI.....:P

so how are the 2010 resolutions coming along? Mine-- I'll try to be more serious this year....:)

A Happy New Year to Everyone...


yeah its goin on fine till now.. but u see.. its just a couple of days into the arena!!!!
lets wait and watch!

-Pradeep Iyer-

I reread your resolutions again PI....they're a lost you better make a new set.....:P....


:P :) :)

-Pradeep Iyer-
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