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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Chit-Chat
31. Happy Beerday, tj - (reply: 10)
32. Isothermal DNA amplification - a "hot topic" among the local commercial company (reply: 3)
33. PHD Movie Trailer - Piled Higher and Deeper (reply: 4)
34. Happy Birthday HomeBrew - another beer day (reply: 4)
35. How many of you actually contribute to online information libraries: Like Wikipe - been having this doubt quite a while now (reply: 4)
36. How do you improve your bio skills? - I dint know where to put this (reply: 12)
37. You should publish!! - (reply: 2)
38. My hair is falling!! - (reply: 5)
39. Blood - Donation (reply: 7)
40. Royal Wedding - congrats (reply: 1)
41. Feliz Cumpleaņos, Sir LyQ - happy batman day (reply: 22)
42. I am confused - 48÷2(9+3) = 2 @ 288 ? (reply: 13)
43. Happy Birthday, Swanny - howz the dark side? (reply: 4)
44. Don't know what to do - (reply: 1)
45. Anyone at Uppsala,help needed - info about hotels at Uppsala (reply: 1)
46. Help a couple of snowboard bums ;) - Takes two seconds (reply: 134)
47. Downside of dating a beauty: Doomed relationship - (reply: 11)
48. Postdoc's project-how much the boss should be involved? - (reply: 2)
49. IPAD, IPAD2 - necessary to have it? (reply: 40)
50. why would whitehead appear after bad sleep? - what happenned there underneath the whitehead? (reply: 3)
51. Music To Our Ears - we've got the beat (reply: 142)
52. Should I take some androgenic steroid? - who is an extremely unmusculine guy (reply: 11)
53. Will masturbation be harmful to health? - According to traditional Chinese medicine,it will. (reply: 46)
54. take things too personal? - (reply: 13)
55. It looks like bioforum... - same theme.... (reply: 5)
56. Pray for us - (reply: 16)
57. can we delete our answered posts? - (reply: 2)
58. The best thing..recently - what happen to you (reply: 1)
59. HeLa: Henrietta Lacks - Origin of HeLa cells (reply: 1)
60. Solve puzzles for Science - Foldit (reply: 3)

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