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Online petition for Barack Obama - Following his Peace Nobel (Oct/18/2009 )

Hi all,
Here's a carefully selected online petition for those who are interested. It has been put together by AVAAZ, which is very active as an online, international "people power" advocacy group. It is written not only as a message of congratulations and support, but also a challenge to carry out his stated dreams (end to violent extremism, US troops back home, Middle East peace and nuclear security).


swanny on Oct 19 2009, 12:50 AM said:

Hi all,
Here's a carefully selected online petition for those who are interested. It has been put together by AVAAZ, which is very active as an online, international "people power" advocacy group. It is written not only as a message of congratulations and support, but also a challenge to carry out his stated dreams (end to violent extremism, US troops back home, Middle East peace and nuclear security).

Perhaps the first that I'll sign...
