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Going to Africa - any suggestions? (Jan/08/2010 )

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hey everyone,

My sister and I are going to Africa in just about a years time. Because everyone on this forum are from so many different places maybe some body would have some suggestions.

We have no idea how to go about planning a trip to a separate continent, so any advice would be awesome.

thanks =>


Make sure all your documentation is in order and all information on your identification matches your passport.

-lab rat-

Africa, eh....nice.....

first, you have to decide where you wanna go and you’ve to check each country out-- you'll get a better idea about the route, the time, your budget, the weather, mode of transpo, what to expect can compare prices, group tour vs going off on your own… check the US travel advisories….

…and then you've to consult your GP or the health department- which shots you have to take, which medications you need to bring…

have all the emergency numbers and impt addresses: nearest embassies or consulates…family or friends who can easily be reached in case of emergencies….Western Union branches (just in case…)

and more importantly- be very careful with the food and drinks…..esp the drinks….as much as possible drink only bottled or boiled water or canned ones ( etc) and no ice cubes……and try to avoid fresh rabbit food too…better be paranoid than sick…

and take pics or videos....lots and lots of them....:P


thanks guys for the advice =>

and good call casandra for checking the US travel advisories, maybe this will help ease my parents minds about us traveling.
thanks again =>


you're welcome, dlambert. And we have THIS...quite comprehensive and useful. You probably also have the registration service for those travelling or living abroad, so you might as well make use of it.

Would it be the first time you'd be travelling/touring abroad? Esp if it is, then you can't blame your parents for being apprehensive. Goodluck with your planning.....


kind of. I am hoping to go to Ecuador with my friend's school over spring break, but haven't really told my parents that yet :P
but yeah I haven't travelled abroad without my family yet. I guess what it comes down too is that I have no interest in staying in America lol


dlambert on Jan 12 2010, 11:25 AM said:

kind of. I am hoping to go to Ecuador with my friend's school over spring break, but haven't really told my parents that yet :P
but yeah I haven't travelled abroad without my family yet. I guess what it comes down too is that I have no interest in staying in America lol

oh, you're gonna plan behind their backs....good for you...:D...I guess you won't hit them for cash....South america will be a good dry run...that's staring off near and then you can think of going off to somewhere really far...just to escape the US of A eh? you'd be doing the whole of the african continent?


casandra on Jan 12 2010, 09:36 AM said:

dlambert on Jan 12 2010, 11:25 AM said:

kind of. I am hoping to go to Ecuador with my friend's school over spring break, but haven't really told my parents that yet :P
but yeah I haven't travelled abroad without my family yet. I guess what it comes down too is that I have no interest in staying in America lol

oh, you're gonna plan behind their backs....good for you...:D...I guess you won't hit them for cash....South america will be a good dry run...that's staring off near and then you can think of going off to somewhere really far...just to escape the US of A eh? you'd be doing the whole of the african continent?

Nah, I'm just a college student, I don't have enough cash for traveling the whole continent. Thankfully that south american trip might be covered, yeah scholarships =>. But in africa I think we are going to go to South Africa. idk it is something about the south thing that seems enticing, south america, south africa.

haha is there a south canada I can go to?


dlambert on Jan 12 2010, 12:08 PM said:

Nah, I'm just a college student, I don't have enough cash for traveling the whole continent. Thankfully that south american trip might be covered, yeah scholarships =>. But in africa I think we are going to go to South Africa. idk it is something about the south thing that seems enticing, south america, south africa.

haha is there a south canada I can go to?

Of course we’ve got everything….there’s the Bas-Canada (lower) and the Haut-Canada (upper) and South Canada, which we also call the New England States….:o

And South Africa is a very good choice…. to have the “real” Lion King African savannah dancing experience, do a safari tour of the Kruger and the Limpopo Transfrontier Parks, get wet in the St Lucia wetlands and of course, gawk at the Little Five…..keep us informed then…and we wanna see photos here…:)...


Oh you jammy dlambert heading off to all these exotic locations! I've heard very good things about Kruger national park, should be a priority and Cape Town too- see the penguins and sea lions, or how about great white shark cage (or clear plastic "cage") diving...maybe best not to tell your parents about that :D
We expect pictures from you...there's even a whole thread where you can put them!

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