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happy birthday, little mouse - (Oct/07/2009 )

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happy birthday, missele.


Happy Birthday!

(okay it's rats, but anyway nice :( )


How about these?

Happy Birthday, little mouse.......hope you have a great squeak......:(...


happy birthday!




happy birthday...

If I got your address I might send you a cheese cake without a mice trap.

-adrian kohsf-

Happy Birthday :P


Hello guys,

Thank you very much for your gifts. You are really kind.
I'm sorry I was no more on the bioforum. I'm so busy these days !
Today one mouse was not sleeping after anesthesy, and then I had some time to buy a sandwich and have a look on what was happening here in the bioforum.
I realized it was a long time since the last time I was connected !
I hope you are all fine, and your experiments are OK.
Now my mouse is sleeping, I have to go.
all the best
Missele, the little mouse

-little mouse-

I missed the party ^_^

Hope U r doing well, Little mouse.

Good luck with making the mice sleep. . sing some lullabies :)

Wish U all the best!


happy birthday!

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