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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Chit-Chat
181. Silly things that make Scientists/Researchers happy - Not including Positive results!!! (reply: 30)
182. London - (reply: 3)
183. How much do grades matter? - (reply: 4)
184. happy birthday swanny! - (reply: 12)
185. How many of you doing research as a passion not for survial - (reply: 50)
186. Phd - How to? (reply: 1)
187. Happy Birthday, aimikins - (reply: 7)
188. male/female ratio - how many men or women? (reply: 94)
189. Lab Rules - to keep in mind (reply: 3)
190. Change in topic - dendrogram liek view (reply: 1)
191. Amazing People - scientific riddles (reply: 81)
192. natives animals as pets? - What would you have? What would you never have? Why? (reply: 59)
193. What is your IQ? - (reply: 53)
194. Software-Help Forum - (reply: 23)
195. Strange Science (Research) - Weirdestest ones (reply: 20)
196. to bioforum - i have a problem (reply: 2)
197. The Importance of Stupidity in Science - (reply: 11)
198. rating - (reply: 15)
199. mirfirker - message from mirfirker (reply: 5)
200. how would you read this? - (reply: 18)
201. Indian survey company - (reply: 5)
202. How to make a fake egg? - (reply: 36)
203. BioForum Tweet - What are U doing? (reply: 17)
204. Superstitions - What U believe? (reply: 6)
205. best place to work - criterion of choosing a place to work (reply: 4)
206. Weird scientific sentences - You know there are such (reply: 19)
207. Darwin day celebration - (reply: 20)
208. Reference letter with mistakes - How will you deal with that? (reply: 3)
209. In the news - Random science articles (reply: 59)
210. My morning was started with... - (reply: 221)

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