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Top : Forum Archives: : siRNA--microRNA-and-RNAi
451. extracts from yeast - (reply: 2)
452. How to characterize unknown small RNA - (reply: 3)
453. RNAi in a sense/antisense transcript system - (reply: 3)
454. shRNA design help - (reply: 2)
455. siRNA transfection reagent for primary cultured cells - (reply: 2)
456. Help me ! I want to do RNAi - (reply: 1)
457. microRNA Cloning - Advice...anyone...please! (reply: 5)
458. Time point for sample preparation - (reply: 4)
459. Some Suggestions for Systematic Gene Knockout pls - (reply: 1)
460. RNAse free water - Manufacturer (reply: 6)
461. detection of dsRNA in fungus - dsRNA detection (reply: 1)
462. Please help me with SH-sy5y transfection - (reply: 1)
463. cell type specificity ? - (reply: 1)
464. Control siRNA - (reply: 3)
465. RNAi negative controls - (reply: 2)
466. I need a local copy of miRanda - (reply: 2)
467. shRNA + Blasticidin = apoptose ? - (reply: 1)
468. Best Vector for shRNA production - Help (reply: 5)
469. BLAST EST to identify possible microRNA? - (reply: 3)
470. different siRNA for the same gene cause opposite effect - (reply: 6)
471. nonspecific cellular responses - vector system vs synthetic siRNA - (reply: 1)
472. siRNA Stable transfection in human fibroblast cells - (reply: 6)
473. Anyone use puromycin and blasticidin as selective Antibiotic for HeLa - (reply: 2)
474. Quantitative gene knock down with siRNA - (reply: 1)
475. Transfecting 293 cells using oligofectamine - (reply: 2)
476. pSuper shRNA - Transfection - Transfection - Ragent (reply: 1)
477. Upcoming conferences? - RNAi conferences (reply: 3)
478. Use of dual promoter for siRNA - (reply: 6)
479. Interferon response detection kit? - (reply: 2)
480. siRNA transfection in cardiomyocytes - siRNA transfection in neonatal cultured cardiomyocytes (reply: 1)

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