standalone blast help needed - cant open .nin (Nov/20/2006 )
Dear folks,
I am trying to run a standalone blast on my Mac laptop.
I have downloaded the executables and ecoli.nt files from ncbi.
I created a blast.ncbirc file which is in my root directory and has the following content:
The ecoli data has been formatted and has created the 7 expected files (.nin, .nsq, etc. These files appear to be ok, as far as I can tell. The .nsq is ~ 1mb, the others are 4-60kb).
When i try to run blastall this is what happens..
dhcp48:~ teresa$ blast/blast2.2.15/bin/blastall -p blastn -d blast/ecoli.nt -i blast/bacs/001D22.rtf
[NULL_Caption] WARNING: Unable to open ecoli.nt.nin
I have formatting a different dataset and using that as well, but i get the same error.
apologies for what is probably a reflection of my limited unix skills, but any advice would be much appreciated!!
the path to your database is not correct.
go to where your database is and type:
scruffy@joshua~ pwd
= /home/scruffy/testdata/ # you should get something like that.
replace your -d with
where is the name of the input file you passed to formatdb
thanks! working now....
the path to your database is not correct.
go to where your database is and type:
scruffy@joshua~ pwd
= /home/scruffy/testdata/ # you should get something like that.
replace your -d with
where is the name of the input file you passed to formatdb