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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : ChIP-and-Next-Generation-Sequencing
211. Negative Control Primers for ChIP Assay - (reply: 3)
212. Formaldehyde crosslinking chemical reaction-ChIP assay - (reply: 2)
213. Ultrasonic bath for ChIP antibody incubation - (reply: 3)
214. Better ideas than Re-Chip - (reply: 7)
215. Misc problems from ChIP - (reply: 3)
216. New to ChIP: bad Ct values - (reply: 1)
217. Another sonication trouble - (reply: 2)
218. CHiP Kits - (reply: 4)
219. ChIP on chip amplification problems - (reply: 11)
220. ChIP basics - Newbie ChIP questions (reply: 3)
221. Shearing (sonication) problem for ChIP - Using Bioruptor (reply: 28)
222. Proteinase K after Sonication - (reply: 11)
223. Sonication optimization using Cup horn - (reply: 1)
224. weird ChIP primers! - (reply: 1)
225. CHIP- Real Time PCR calculations - (reply: 1)
226. ChIP protocol - Anyone uses solutions prepared by themselves? (reply: 2)
227. sonication problems! - (reply: 3)
228. Re-sonication ? - sonication optimisation (reply: 6)
229. ChIP HELP!! - (reply: 5)
230. Native ChIP and sonication with bioruptor, is it possible? - (reply: 2)
231. Normal IgG background - (reply: 2)
232. mouse Gapdh chip-qPCR primers for control! - (reply: 7)
233. Sonication Problems, Branson 450, LNCaP cells - (reply: 4)
234. Animal tissue ChIP - to freeze or not to freeze? - Can you freeze your tissue for ChIP? (reply: 3)
235. Chip problem: antibody or cell number?? - (reply: 6)
236. CHIP - DNA concentration after sonication - (reply: 6)
237. ChIP sonication problem - (reply: 5)
238. ChIP DNA quality - problem with ChIP-qPCR (reply: 5)
239. GAPDH methylated or not - (reply: 2)
240. T lymphocyte ChIPs are not working... - while other cells are! *grumble grumble* (reply: 6)

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