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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Cell-Biology
361. Help! Transfection newbie with a dumb question - Trying to transfect adherent cells (reply: 1)
362. Salvaging contaminated Matrigel - (reply: 5)
363. Nuclear lysis followed by histone extraction - (reply: 3)
364. THP-1 cell line - (reply: 2)
365. Effective DCFDA Protocol for Non-Adherent THP-1 Cells? - (reply: 1)
366. expression of protein - (reply: 1)
367. Improved Stem Cell Proliferation - Would interested in improving proliferation of adult stem cells? (reply: 5)
368. Using 2˚ antibody as a isotype control? - (reply: 4)
369. Help- lysing cells with triton x-100 - (reply: 1)
370. Help with HELA and HEK293 cell seeding for transfection - (reply: 4)
371. is there a method to set up stable transfectants without drug selection - no drug-resistant gene (reply: 8)
372. STR cell line identification - looking for cell line identification method (reply: 1)
373. Passaging HEK293 cells - adding antibiotics (reply: 1)
374. NP-40 Nuclear Lysis Problem - (reply: 2)
375. Establishing Sub-cutaneous Xenograft Cancer Model - How many millions of cells to inject for subcutaneous models (reply: 3)
376. help with ly294002 results - (reply: 2)
377. why no plastic dish for confocal? - (reply: 2)
378. immunocytochemistry - sequence of: Fix/Perm/Stain - Cytocentrifugation (reply: 1)
379. inverted microscope - (reply: 1)
380. TE buffer in PEI transfection - (reply: 1)
381. problems in lentiviral transduction - time to collect, ratio for transfection (reply: 1)
382. THP maturation and chemotaxis - THP maturation and chemotaxis to lipids. (reply: 3)
383. Virus with serum - viral transfection (reply: 1)
384. Autoclave before adding MgCl2 and MgSO4? - SOB medium receipt (reply: 4)
385. antibody dilution? - (reply: 1)
386. help with cell dilution - (reply: 2)
387. Filter for viral transfection - filter 0.22 or 0.45 (reply: 4)
388. Which cells to use ? - Chang liver or normal breast cells ? (reply: 1)
389. Medium used after transient transfection? - serum free medium or medium with serum (reply: 1)
390. HTC116 cells detaching !!!! - (reply: 2)

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