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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Cell-Biology
511. Upregulating Estrogen Receptor in MCF-7s - (reply: 3)
512. LNCaP poor disgregation - cells forms clumps attached to plate (reply: 2)
513. NIH 3T3 Geneticin selection problem - (reply: 7)
514. why the nuclei on the slides disappeared after immunofluoresence process? - (reply: 7)
515. Optimizing infection with multiple retroviruses - (reply: 1)
516. generating cell line knockouts - (reply: 3)
517. Cancer Stem Cells?? - (reply: 10)
518. Cell stimulation of transcription - (reply: 5)
519. Help!! What is this?? - (reply: 2)
520. How to calculate confluency? thx so much - (reply: 2)
521. pGAS-LUC - (reply: 2)
522. Using zVAD-FMK - (reply: 2)
523. Reusing the black 96-well plate for reading luminescence - For luciferease reporter assay (reply: 5)
524. MEF culture contamination? - Contaminated cell culture? (reply: 2)
525. Any additional system for Hypoxia??? - (reply: 3)
526. Dendritic cells - Protocol of stimulation of dendritic cells (reply: 3)
527. macrophage infection assay - problems with macrophge infection assay (reply: 1)
528. Trypsin/EDTA inactivation - which compound in the medium is responsible for inactivation? (reply: 5)
529. Storing cell lines long-term at -70C - (reply: 4)
530. dsred - (reply: 5)
531. UV irradiation - sensitivity to apoptosis (reply: 4)
532. composition of FBS - (reply: 1)
533. luciferase - (reply: 1)
534. what type of media for gingiva fibroblast tissue culture? - (reply: 3)
535. how can i bring cells onto a slide? - ...for microscopical observation! (reply: 7)
536. reduced serum?? - questions to antibiotic concentration & time (reply: 1)
537. cell density to be seeded? - cytotoxicity studies (reply: 1)
538. lysis buffer for lymphoblast cells - (reply: 1)
539. Hypoxia Induction - (reply: 5)
540. Latex gloves + ethanol 70° - a legend ? (reply: 6)

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