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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Cell-Biology
271. Dose Response Troubles - (reply: 2)
272. any methods to evaluate the attaching ability of suspension cells? - (reply: 6)
273. questions on life science homework, looking for explanations - (reply: 3)
274. Detection of ROS by DCFDA - (reply: 1)
275. Transfection problem after transformation! - (reply: 5)
276. Help with BT549 Morphology, Maintenance & Possible Contamination - (reply: 1)
277. macrophage immortalization - (reply: 2)
278. Where can I find more info on how certain ionic solutions can affect cell biolog - (reply: 4)
279. Help with some problems with Culturing Epithelial Cells - (reply: 5)
280. Nuclear extract problems - (reply: 3)
281. Freezing of Protozoa (Toxoplasma) - (reply: 7)
282. thymidine block - (reply: 2)
283. Measure transfection effiicency - referee's question - (reply: 1)
284. cells die after transfection - (reply: 1)
285. Seeding cells on small metal screws - (reply: 1)
286. Do prokaryotes have post-translational modification? - (reply: 1)
287. Newbie help: Seeding cells to 6-well plates - (reply: 2)
288. Retroviral work - (reply: 1)
289. calculating the number of cells to freeze down - (reply: 2)
290. BSA in adipocyte cellculture? Alternatives?? - (reply: 1)
291. Spontaneous immortalised MEFS...what control? - (reply: 1)
292. HEK 293 cell culture - (reply: 3)
293. HepG2 cells resistant to Trypsinization - Please help!! - (reply: 8)
294. difficulty in passaging HK-2 cells - (reply: 2)
295. what are these cells?? - (reply: 1)
296. Retrovirus/Lentivirus compatibility - (reply: 1)
297. Preparation of Conditioned Medium - (reply: 1)
298. Isolation of rat endothelial cells - (reply: 2)
299. Paradoxical effects of serum and H2O2 on DCF assay for oxidative stress - (reply: 3)
300. ROS measurement - (reply: 2)

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