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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Cell-Biology
871. Generating double stable cell line - (reply: 3)
872. HACAT cells - very low cell viability after thawing cells (reply: 18)
873. cell line for luciferase assay - How to choose the best cell line? (reply: 2)
874. My cells suddenly die !!! - Please help me ! why is this ? (reply: 11)
875. uncertain about stable overexpression - discrepancy between different antibodies (reply: 5)
876. Integral protein question - (reply: 2)
877. p53-luciferase activity - (reply: 7)
878. Storage of slides - (reply: 2)
879. making G418 - (reply: 2)
880. antibody for immunocytochemistry - only validated for Western-will it work? (reply: 4)
881. Kits for estradiol, FSH, LH or androgens analysis in culture medium - has anybody used any (reply: 2)
882. Culturing/Mounting of polarised cells for confocal microscopy - (reply: 1)
883. 4% w/v paraformaldehyde - (reply: 2)
884. Intestinal cell culture: Protocol required - (reply: 1)
885. HEK293 Electroporation - (reply: 2)
886. Carbon di oxide free cell culture - (reply: 1)
887. Cell Wall Lysis For Dummies - (reply: 4)
888. fibroblast primary culture - (reply: 8)
889. zebrafish gene regulation can I use mammel expression vector? - (reply: 1)
890. Laminin Use - (reply: 1)
891. MC3T3-E1 osteogenic differentiation - (reply: 1)
892. Heterogenous expresion of stably transfected gene - (reply: 4)
893. Neuron resembling cell-which? - (reply: 3)
894. Definite and easiest method to show apoptosis - (reply: 3)
895. Adherent human macrophages - (reply: 1)
896. Monocyte - (reply: 3)
897. How to perform a growth curve? - i need to compare 3 cell lines for growth (reply: 2)
898. Transfection contamination? - (reply: 12)
899. Luciferase assay for Wnt/b-catenin pathway - method misunderstanding (reply: 1)
900. Quick lipofectamine question - (reply: 7)

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