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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Cell-Biology
151. Integrin B1 Staining in HT1080 cells - (reply: 1)
152. System to label DNA - (reply: 6)
153. how to find out the DNA seuence of a human gene from online database? - (reply: 1)
154. Determine cell proliferation by viability assay ? - (reply: 6)
155. Need help on STAT1-GFP nuclear translocation - (reply: 15)
156. toxic test for HEK 293 - (reply: 2)
157. primary valve interstitial cells transfection - (reply: 1)
158. Alizarin Red Staining on scaffolds... - (reply: 1)
159. Problem in transfection for producing lentivirus - (reply: 4)
160. Bacterial Contamination in HuEmbryonic cell lines seen in SFM4 but not in DMEM + - (reply: 3)
161. Explanation lacks - (reply: 1)
162. Threw ribosome or DNA - (reply: 4)
163. Elimination of residual protein in cytosol - (reply: 2)
164. BaF3 cell culture in 96 well plates - (reply: 2)
165. Wound Scratch Assay using siRNA - (reply: 4)
166. Significant differences between RPMI or RPMI plus glutamine? - (reply: 1)
167. conditioned medium for ischaemia study - (reply: 1)
168. Calculating enzyme activity - (reply: 2)
169. What are alternatives to Xenopus eggs? - (reply: 2)
170. U87 glioblastoma thickness - (reply: 1)
171. Presence of melanin in melanin containing cell line - (reply: 1)
172. looking for products that contain HAVcr-1 - (reply: 1)
173. How to achieve uniform cell distribution in culture vessle - (reply: 6)
174. Cell culture contamination - (reply: 3)
175. Question - Corticosterone, cell culture - (reply: 1)
176. Thawed cells spent 4 hours extra in DMSO.. problem? - (reply: 1)
177. colon cancer cell lines vs normal colon epithelial cells - (reply: 1)
178. HELP-zebrafish antibody staining after day3 - (reply: 6)
179. Competing for IGF receptor - (reply: 1)
180. Primary culture of breast tumor cells - (reply: 1)

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