Simply Beautiful! - and worth a thousand words.... (Jun/07/2009 )
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back to neutral stuff
and who can resist this guy and his dog, too?
and now back to more animals:
made entirely from driftwood.....glad they're not Von Hagens' creations...
casandra on Jul 14 2009, 12:24 PM said:
and now back to more animals:

made entirely from driftwood.....glad they're not Von Hagens' creations...

made entirely from driftwood.....glad they're not Von Hagens' creations...

I"m glad too... I thought they were!
How about some peaceful contemplation....

This is cool also,
beach fishing in northern western australia
(I couldn't figure out how to put the photo straight into my post.....??.....??)
toejam on Jul 14 2009, 06:43 AM said:
yorkshire county 

nice tj.... is this your pic?
very nice......You should try a bit further north too
(Scotland- Isle of Skye- Fairy pools)
spiderman precursor