Simply Beautiful! - and worth a thousand words.... (Jun/07/2009 )
But even as south dakotians they could make abstract or progressive motifs
and since can we dictate to real artists what they have to do unless they're commissioned to do so? One of these warrior sculptures costs thousands of dollars though...and I wonder what you meant by progressive motifs?
it was just a polite suggestion...and progressive is all that is not that traditional stuff and for me it's anyway functional art or is it decorative?
hobglobin on Feb 1 2010, 03:45 PM said:

functional?? only if you can take them apart and then play with the horses and the warriors...

Bill Reid's Haida art
The Raven and the First Men.
Spirit of Haida Gwai
Mythic messengers
I really like his sculptures- I saw them in Vancouver at the UBC anthropology museum (at least I think it was his work).
Some of the patterns are really similar to Ainu patterns
LostintheLab on Feb 3 2010, 11:51 PM said:
yup, he's got his works displayed over there..but one Spirit of Haida Gwaii is at the Vancouver Int'l airport and another at our embassy in Washington (I think)....and he's into other media too...
Here's one from another Haida artist, Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas:

Take Off...for the Vancouver Olympics...
Carnaval de Québec 2010 (with the funny Bonhomme)
Past entries in the int'l sculpture competition :
blanket toss
Loup Garou (werewolf)
Charles Cramer and his lyrical landscapes
Maple Leaves and Mud, Clear Creek, Zion
Ice sheets, glacial pond, Jasper Ca
Pond Reflections & Pollen Foam