Simply Beautiful! - and worth a thousand words.... (Jun/07/2009 )
And back to the hippies:
The posters and announcements for concerts were so much better at that time....
how about this?
the XVIth International Congress of Entomology (in psychedelia)....
and here's another one:
The 3rd Congress of Societas Ophtalmologica Europća in Amsterdam....1968 (art by Rick Griffin)
Beautiful, I like it
But what about these:
not bad, not bad........actually, very good......designed by the same person/people?
Don't know who it created perhaps an advertising agency?
casandra on Jul 19 2009, 11:27 AM said:



Thats very nice- looks like the mist is eating the mountain! Did you take it?
How about this?
yeah, that was one year ago . . . Mt. Ishizuchi.
What is the place in ur pic?
kind of place I want to live in