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Simply Beautiful! - and worth a thousand words.... (Jun/07/2009 )

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I am not sure whose attention they are really seeking for by making those ice sculpture to highlight the melting Artic/Antartic - definetly not mine and I guess those whose attention would matter already know more than any one of us know.

Better than melting these ice scultpure like that, they should have just gone to Canada and made a million snowmen and snowwomen. (also drawing attention towards gender inequality)

And, California should join this movement : ;)


But there are still the countless many who are not as “aware” as you are, BB-san and even the already-educated must be reminded now and again or can do the educating themselves. Besides, taking care of the earth and the environment is a global initiative (even if some still insist that climate change and global warning are major conspiracy theories)…if everyone will do their bit, no matter how trivial we think our efforts are e.g., walk, cycle, recycle, hug a tree, take showers together :( or give our gov’ts mandates to invest in more eco-friendly, more efficient sustainable energy resources, the accumulated effect would still make an impact.

I agree tho that the artists with their world-wide exhibitions, the curators of museums and galleries, and buyers of their arts are great polluters themselves and some just want to hop into the green bandwagon but hopefully, imho, the offshoot of all these efforts i.e. raise consciousness, promote conservation, preservation and sustainability etc. is still worthwhile. Besides, art is not only a medium for expression…a great deal of it conveys a message or some symbols that can effectively influence public opinion e.g. activist art, protest art etc. and those esp focused on environmental/ecology/climate change issues can evoke intense or emotional response or motivate people, which a scientific report or analysis can hardly do.

There’s probably no better place to feel the effects of climate change than up here in the true north…our winter is not what it used to be. Gone are the days when the roof of our cabana was used as a ramp for ski jumping into our neighbor’s their backyard. :( And our sasquatch can’t do any more ads for Gillette Mach 3 and….and more importantly:


Now, continuing our foray into climate change art:

Bright Ugochukwu Eke’s installation titled Acid Rain “consists of a great number of drop-shaped bags filled with water and carbon and suspended from the ceiling. By such aesthetic means, Bright directs the spectator’s attention to the harmful anthropogenic climate changes that have already caused considerable devastation and obvious changes in our weather. This strange duality of beauty and destruction may help hone our attention, making us more aware of the climate-related challenges we will face in the future.”

stolen from


At least those art is much more imaginative than the standard ice bear on an ice floe like this:

and using some already existing freezers for such art will not change much they are running anyway with or without art would be much more effective if all people would avoid consuming ice cream and drinks on the rocks all the year... :(


we can always do little but very efficient things to go green.. .no need of making so expensive and not-at-all-green events.


on a different track.....

some paintings of the French "visionary" artist, Michel Henricot:


You all remember Mandelbrot sets, 2 D fractal or so (I never understood the basics of this :) ); but now Daniel White created 3D fractals called "Mandelbrot bulbs" or just the "beast" (as power 8 version).

Have a look here for more beautiful pictures.


really nice....but too perfect, I guess...:)

Check these out- a sampler of Brian Smith's surreal, fantastical and visionary art know, the ones that still use paintbrushes and media....

In Passing


more paintings in his website....


weird paintings and atmosphere, but good...but this evening I prefer summer motifs:

Just a Sunflower, showing some perfection too :P


hobglobin on Jan 2 2010, 04:55 PM said:

weird paintings and atmosphere, but good...but this evening I prefer summer motifs:

Just a Sunflower, showing some perfection too :P

oh sure....alter all this snow, bring in all the summery sunflowers here...and where's the perfect alien bee? :P...

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