Simply Beautiful! - and worth a thousand words.... (Jun/07/2009 )
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not just beautiful but this is delicious. . .
Guess why?
Nabi on Jan 3 2010, 11:41 AM said:
not just beautiful but this is delicious. . .

Guess why?

Guess why?
is it a chocolate puzzle.....or bec whiskey is flowing thru that canal?

casandra on Jan 3 2010, 08:17 PM said:
is it a chocolate puzzle.....or bec whiskey is flowing thru that canal? 

that stuff is hidden in the barrel of the Saint Bernard dogs

hobglobin on Jan 3 2010, 02:26 PM said:
casandra on Jan 3 2010, 08:17 PM said:
is it a chocolate puzzle.....or bec whiskey is flowing thru that canal? 

that stuff is hidden in the barrel of the Saint Bernard dogs

I don't see any dogs nor not sure if that's really a canal too...where's BB-san....sleeping I guess....

the small dots at the top...rescuing an alpinist; a those dogs are search and rescue dogs there...and the barrel for the first aid
(though this image actually is not suitable for a beautiful thread...)
hobglobin on Jan 3 2010, 02:36 PM said:
the small dots at the top...rescuing an alpinist; a those dogs are search and rescue dogs there...and the barrel for the first aid

(though this image actually is not suitable for a beautiful thread...)

(though this image actually is not suitable for a beautiful thread...)
and I'm pretty sure they rescue really grateful lost alpinists.....if the dogs don't empty the barrels first...

lost snowboarders too
how do you know all this? you're soo afraid of the snow...and dogs.......
similar to you
-hobglobin- not afraid of snow and dogs...bugs, yes- they're really scary........but what do you think of BB-san's pic?