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Simply Beautiful! - and worth a thousand words.... (Jun/07/2009 )

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we all know :lol:

killer rabbit on its way...


was the parade in Copenhagen?


I love all those pictures! I want to make a snowman like that...
I think those mini snowmen are from up where I am
How about a house for the snowmen to go?
Attached Image


that's beautiful.

where and what is this,


Nabi on Dec 15 2009, 11:40 AM said:

that's beautiful.

where and what is this,

From the Sapporo snow festival, Its some castle in Japan recreated in Snow


The Frozen Kiss.......

Carnaval de Quebec


I had sashimi of these fish in my coke today.


- hmmm.....a sashimi-flavoured coke..there's really no limit to imagination...<_<

How about this: Men Melt as Ephemeral Art

To highlight the effects of climate change, Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo made an installation of 1,000 ice sculptures of sitting men on the steps of the music hall in Gendarmenmarkt public square in Berlin. The sculptures began melting in 30 minutes. This Berlin installation was sponsored by the WWF.



Almost gone…….


waste of money and I am sure making of all these ice and just throwing them away is not eco-friendly either.


But it’s a campaign ad and like any other ad and for whatever cause or purpose, it’s gonna cost money…..that is self-evident. And depending on whose perspective it is viewed from- it could be considered either a total waste or definitely worth it.

This work was commissioned as an effort to “draw attention to the melting ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica. The installation, Melting Men, was meant to spotlight the World Wildlife Fund's warning that melting ice could possibly cause levels to rise more than 3.3 ft by 2100.”

Although originally intended as a critique of the role of monuments in cities, when asked if she were a climate activist, Azevedo herself said, “As the reading and interpretation of an art piece is open, I'm glad it can also speak of urgent matters that threaten our existence on this planet.'

'The project started with solitary figures, later a multitude of small sculptures of ice were placed in public spaces of several cities. The memory is inscribed in the photographic image and shared by everyone. It is not reserved to great heroes nor to great monuments.” iow....a toast for ephemeral art--- to be enjoyed by anyone and if at the same time it raises more public awareness of our changing climate then it's not that useless in the end....

This would even make you happier, BB-san:

Christo's Umbrellas...installation in Japan

in California eco-unfriendly and such a total waste, eh....

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