Simply Beautiful! - and worth a thousand words.... (Jun/07/2009 )
Darwin Maze
ahh...a pretty green...
in keeping with the season, let's go back to white:
Snow spikes or nieves penitentes:
In honour of International Women’s Day tomorrow…I’m posting works of arts by some of my favourite women artists:
Remedios Varo’s Creacion De Las Aves
More of her artworks: HERE
Käthe Kollwitz’ Mother with Two Children
Margaret Bourke-White
The Greatest Migration
and more women artists: some photos of Dora Maar, a surrealist photographer and famously known as Dali’s weeping woman:
Sans Titre (Hand-Shell), 1934
Le Pere Ubu, 1936
Bonsai, the art of growing dwarfed trees:
we can probably have a philosophical discussion about we have the right to dwarf the trees? control their growth, shape them or bend them to our will? or ppfft..they're just only trees anyhow?
Nature photographer Warren Krupsaw’s mushroom pix (for gebZ):
and what would you prefer:
a natural (but not perfect) looking and tasty apple:
Cox Orange Pippin
or a perfect looking but almost tasteless apple:
Granny Smith
hobglobin on Thu Mar 24 21:36:54 2011 said:
and what would you prefer:
a natural (but not perfect) looking and tasty apple:

Cox Orange Pippin
or a perfect looking but almost tasteless apple:

Granny Smith
ppffttt.....of course I prefer Magritte's surreal apple...

avertissement: not for everyone......
this vid is a kind of surrealistic sci-fi social commentary on beauty or our obsession with it...
Elephant slipping
All you need to get a beautifull picture is a camera and a lot of good luck to be there at the right time.
I appreciate this kind if pictures even more then the staged ones.