Simply Beautiful! - and worth a thousand words.... (Jun/07/2009 )
hobglobin on Jul 7 2010, 04:42 PM said:
casandra on Jul 7 2010, 10:32 PM said:
hobglobin on Jul 7 2010, 04:25 PM said:
Boston Dynamics Big Dog (though sometimes I think it's a fake)
have a look here
anyway Theo Jansen's look more impressive and dystopia-like, I like them

and that's a dog?

well that design is of course not perfect but here form follows function

And the cute little dog is also there...not as cute as the Sony one, but all-terrain.
tthe little one is reall cute- it looks like a flat iron...a walking flat iron...

Beautiful and disastrous
Photos by Benjamin Lowy about the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
More here.
from the beautiful this:
to the disastrous this:
Street-art seems to be into vogue these days...
Here from Sandrine Estrade Boulet
nice, dr about this:
From Picasso’s Guernica:
To Ron English’s X-ray Guernica:
Amazing micro-sculptures by Brit artist Willard Wigan. Each piece commonly sits within the eye of a needle, or on a pin head.
Illusion paintings or metamorphic art by Mexican painter Octavio Ocampo:
Or you can check THIS out.......just mute the sound…
Have you seen the Nikon small world winners this year
Optical illusions, also in old times people liked it:
A postcard from wife and my mother-in-law is the title...
Perceptual Ambiguity...
And for this ghoulish weekend, I want one of these:
and these would go well with my leopard costume: