Simply Beautiful! - and worth a thousand words.... (Jun/07/2009 )
hobglobin on Jul 7 2010, 04:42 PM said:
casandra on Jul 7 2010, 10:32 PM said:
hobglobin on Jul 7 2010, 04:25 PM said:
Boston Dynamics Big Dog (though sometimes I think it's a fake)
have a look here
anyway Theo Jansen's look more impressive and dystopia-like, I like them
and that's a dog? least Jansen's creatures are either unknown or has more resemblance to the original....I like them too....
well that design is of course not perfect but here form follows function And capable walking on ice and snow, Canada-proof
And the cute little dog is also there...not as cute as the Sony one, but all-terrain.
tthe little one is reall cute- it looks like a flat iron...a walking flat iron...
Beautiful and disastrous
Photos by Benjamin Lowy about the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
More here.
from the beautiful this:
to the disastrous this:
Street-art seems to be into vogue these days...
Here from Sandrine Estrade Boulet
nice, dr about this:
From Picasso’s Guernica:
To Ron English’s X-ray Guernica:
Amazing micro-sculptures by Brit artist Willard Wigan. Each piece commonly sits within the eye of a needle, or on a pin head.
Illusion paintings or metamorphic art by Mexican painter Octavio Ocampo:
Or you can check THIS out.......just mute the sound…
Have you seen the Nikon small world winners this year
Optical illusions, also in old times people liked it:
A postcard from wife and my mother-in-law is the title...
Perceptual Ambiguity...
And for this ghoulish weekend, I want one of these:
and these would go well with my leopard costume: