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How much do grades matter? - (Apr/14/2009 )

I have been able to manage a 3.0 GPA, getting it up higher would mean retaking probably 2/3 of a year longer for me to graduate. Is it worth it? I am motivated to learn and perform research, but school is very demanding and I really wish is was a slower pace. I want to go on to grad school, and not pay for it... is this outrageous to wish for with a 3.0?

-Nathan M-

What are your GRE scores?


Not adding to discussion, but maybe anybody can explain the meaning of GRE or GPA scores to me? These scores seem to be quite important to some of our members, but they do not mean anything to me (we do not have such ratings in Austria)......
Do you have to score a certain grade to be allowed to go to a certain college or course? And what is a good score?


I think GPA or say your transcript is not important in life. To win a position (say studentship) is important. Just like in soccer what is the winning score 1 or 2 or 3 or more goals. If you have high score may be a helpful one but not make you a winner. Just winning heart, hard work, and desire to persue something is the important one.

NOTE: Above statement is just a personal openion.


Hey buddy,
You can certainly get into grad school. The more important question is which grad school. Will you get into somewhere say, U of Wisconsin, Berkley, Harvard, probably not. But you can get into smaller grad schools, like other state schools or smaller private schools. Just apply to a few places, it will cost a lot of money in application fees but you will find someplace. Try and do well on your GRE, thats important to. GOod luck.
