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Darwin day celebration - (Feb/11/2009 )

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hi guys,
as you will know, today is the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin. are you doing any event to celebrate this day at your institutions?
we'll be hosting a very British style pub quiz (without the pub tho) all dedicated to Darwin.


today, we are having our black history month celebration. not exactly the same. i don't think that anyone will even mention darwin during the festivities.


Cool !!!!

How many people do you suppose would have read the original book by Darwin?


scolix on Feb 11 2009, 10:38 AM said:

Cool !!!!

How many people do you suppose would have read the original book by Darwin?

I read the first 5 pages... and sadly gave up.


I once saw the cover of the book in the internet <_<


i thought i heard there was a book.


haha ;) i apologize for the lack of precision. Darwin's birthday was on the 12th (not 11 as i said earlier)
fortunately the quiz didn't include any questions about the book :)


If he were alive today, I wonder what he would have evolved to in last 200 years.


Nabi on Feb 13 2009, 02:42 PM said:

If he were alive today, I wonder what he would have evolved to in last 200 years.

ID creationism?? :)


toejam on Feb 13 2009, 11:45 PM said:

Nabi on Feb 13 2009, 02:42 PM said:

If he were alive today, I wonder what he would have evolved to in last 200 years.

ID creationism?? :)

may be he was 'The Designer' ;)

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