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In the news - Random science articles (Feb/09/2009 )

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I have a recollection of this thread from our previous incarnation, so I thought it time for a revival

Jelly baby cancer cells :rolleyes:


Very interesting. Here is the picture:

The cancer cell figure created by Japanese scientists Photo: Shoji Takeuchi


Look at rest of the cells. . any cell .. they all look like some animie character.


Nabi on Feb 10 2009, 05:08 AM said:

Look at rest of the cells. . any cell .. they all look like some animie character.

Yeah, and so happy together :rolleyes: .....


Looks like the the little green man of pedestrian traffic lights...

And barbapapa, wasn't it the early version of Teletubbies? :P

pcrman on Feb 10 2009, 04:24 AM said:

Very interesting. Here is the picture:

The cancer cell figure created by Japanese scientists Photo: Shoji Takeuchi


Possibility of zillions of post-grad frustrated students!


Nabi on Feb 15 2009, 10:06 PM said:

Possibility of zillions of post-grad frustrated students!

Then Gene Roddenberry and all the others were right.... :wacko:


Another scientific breakthrough (Discovery channel archives)

But, I think this should be banned considering possible side-effects on the 'other people' not using this.


And things like these are in news?


Nabi on Feb 19 2009, 06:49 AM said:

Another scientific breakthrough (Discovery channel archives)

But, I think this should be banned considering possible side-effects on the 'other people' not using this.

I would say a male nerd fantasy :) , but the comments are funny (and telling...) :P

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