My morning was started with... - (Feb/09/2009 )
...a 2 page-rejection letter for my manuscript right after I opened my PC
That was definitely no fun at all *sigh...*
Anyway, as people in Japan always say "Ganbatte!" to encourage others , which means "Fight!" or "Don`t give up!", I will use that word too for my self
May all of us blessed with good data and more importantly good (and many) publications
Hi Nikou,
Don't be screwed up by the editor or the reviewers. Keep fighting till your paper is accepted by a journal. It's life, most of us have experienced and will experience this.
My morning started in a similar manner
This is after waiting nearly 6months to hear back from them...
Sucky journal anyway- I shall submit somewhere else!
Gambarimasu! and Gambatte nikou-san
nikou on Feb 9 2009, 09:11 PM said:
That was definitely no fun at all *sigh...*
Anyway, as people in Japan always say "Ganbatte!" to encourage others , which means "Fight!" or "Don`t give up!", I will use that word too for my self
May all of us blessed with good data and more importantly good (and many) publications
Sorry to hear that your paper was rejected. I read in a book once (I believe it was "Einstein 1905" by John Ridgen or so) that some of Einstein's 1905 papers (such as the paper on relativity) were rejected as well. My point is that a rejection doesn't mean that it is a bad paper. Don't give up!!!
pcrman on Feb 10 2009, 12:07 PM said:
Don't be screwed up by the editor or the reviewers. Keep fighting till your paper is accepted by a journal. It's life, most of us have experienced and will experience this.
thanks! yah, you`re right, I should keep trying.
But still, I think I need to blow the steam off my head first
Thanks everyone!
I know that this paper rejection is just a phase we have to go through.
In fact, now that I`m trying to read the letter again, the reviewers did have some good points.
Although for some points I still couldn`t agree with their opinions
To Lostinthelab, ganbarimashou ne
To Wolverena, I`m no Einstein, but it`s very kind of you, thanks a lot
nikou on Feb 9 2009, 09:11 PM said:
That was definitely no fun at all *sigh...*
Anyway, as people in Japan always say "Ganbatte!" to encourage others , which means "Fight!" or "Don`t give up!", I will use that word too for my self
May all of us blessed with good data and more importantly good (and many) publications
For someone who's just gotten a 2 page-rejection letter, you're quite upbeat nikou, so I guess you already have the gambaru spirit. For you and Lost-san:
Is it yours?? So, your wish had been fulfilled, I guess?
Now I`m thinking to buy one too, and paint the eyes if I get my paper accepted this year, hahaha
By the way, I`m just desperately encouraging myself and right now I can`t even use my brain to work.
Hopefully I can recover (not sure if this is the correct use) very very soon.
Thanks for the daruma, Casandra
This is the usually thing for a researcher's life. Don't give up! Try another one! I remember I had one paper and my boss tried Nature first, then go to Science, then go to Physical Review letter. It was accepted by Physical review letter when I almost forgot it...
My another one was already rejected but my boss thought the comments were not so bad and didn't know why they rejected it. So, my boss asked me revise the manuscript and send it again to the same journal and it was accepted very soon!!
So, don't think too much of the reviewer's comments. Different people has different points and experiment foucs. Just try to revise the manuscript according the reviewer's comments which you think they are right and send it to another journal.
nikou on Feb 10 2009, 11:11 AM said:
That was definitely no fun at all *sigh...*
Anyway, as people in Japan always say "Ganbatte!" to encourage others , which means "Fight!" or "Don`t give up!", I will use that word too for my self
May all of us blessed with good data and more importantly good (and many) publications
LostintheLab on Feb 10 2009, 12:14 PM said:
This is after waiting nearly 6months to hear back from them...
Sucky journal anyway- I shall submit somewhere else!
Gambarimasu! and Gambatte nikou-san
Wait a min! Does this rejection has anything to do with Nihon-go? Scary