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take things too personal? - (Mar/02/2011 )

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Does anyone here also take things too personal in work? Clearly I have this problem maybe also due to my personality, or is it a girl's thing? Of being too sensitive?

-Summer July-

I think that girls are more sensitive to remarks etc..
I for sure have noticed this before and when dealing with problems, I adjust my style to whomever is in front of me and most often I am more "soft" for females then males. But off course, some females are not like that either. It all depends on how good you know someone and how you can interact with that person.

It also depends on what their commentary is. Is it something related to work or something personal... I mean: you must be able to keep those 2 seperated.

Can you give an example? Something someone said to you of wich you think its personal? Or maybe not but that you think its personal?

I think it also depends on how old someone his. Younger people are still trying to prove themself and take everything as a very personal commentary, especially if you have no work experience.
(or older people having a new job... but in general most people, when getting older, get "stronger", more confident and more relaxed)

+ some people are just more direct then others, but it doenst mean they want to offend you.


pito on Wed Mar 2 13:22:50 2011 said:

I think that girls are more sensitive to remarks etc..
I for sure have noticed this before and when dealing with problems, I adjust my style to whomever is in front of me and most often I am more "soft" for females then males. But off course, some females are not like that either. It all depends on how good you know someone and how you can interact with that person.

It also depends on what their commentary is. Is it something related to work or something personal... I mean: you must be able to keep those 2 seperated.

Can you give an example? Something someone said to you of wich you think its personal? Or maybe not but that you think its personal?

I think it also depends on how old someone his. Younger people are still trying to prove themself and take everything as a very personal commentary, especially if you have no work experience.
(or older people having a new job... but in general most people, when getting older, get "stronger", more confident and more relaxed)

+ some people are just more direct then others, but it doenst mean they want to offend you.


For example, I have some experiments that I want to do, and a much more experienced person hear that, he would say: why do that? waste of time!
It is good of course that he would let you know what is a good direction, but as a student in science I believe that I am not the only one who wants to just try things out...

-Summer July-

Summer July on Wed Mar 2 14:04:39 2011 said:

pito on Wed Mar 2 13:22:50 2011 said:

I think that girls are more sensitive to remarks etc..
I for sure have noticed this before and when dealing with problems, I adjust my style to whomever is in front of me and most often I am more "soft" for females then males. But off course, some females are not like that either. It all depends on how good you know someone and how you can interact with that person.

It also depends on what their commentary is. Is it something related to work or something personal... I mean: you must be able to keep those 2 seperated.

Can you give an example? Something someone said to you of wich you think its personal? Or maybe not but that you think its personal?

I think it also depends on how old someone his. Younger people are still trying to prove themself and take everything as a very personal commentary, especially if you have no work experience.
(or older people having a new job... but in general most people, when getting older, get "stronger", more confident and more relaxed)

+ some people are just more direct then others, but it doenst mean they want to offend you.


For example, I have some experiments that I want to do, and a much more experienced person hear that, he would say: why do that? waste of time!
It is good of course that he would let you know what is a good direction, but as a student in science I believe that I am not the only one who wants to just try things out...

well then, hearing this makes me feel like I did the most stupid "tryout", or my ideas are just not any good...

-Summer July-

Summer July on Wed Mar 2 14:07:12 2011 said:

Summer July on Wed Mar 2 14:04:39 2011 said:

pito on Wed Mar 2 13:22:50 2011 said:

I think that girls are more sensitive to remarks etc..
I for sure have noticed this before and when dealing with problems, I adjust my style to whomever is in front of me and most often I am more "soft" for females then males. But off course, some females are not like that either. It all depends on how good you know someone and how you can interact with that person.

It also depends on what their commentary is. Is it something related to work or something personal... I mean: you must be able to keep those 2 seperated.

Can you give an example? Something someone said to you of wich you think its personal? Or maybe not but that you think its personal?

I think it also depends on how old someone his. Younger people are still trying to prove themself and take everything as a very personal commentary, especially if you have no work experience.
(or older people having a new job... but in general most people, when getting older, get "stronger", more confident and more relaxed)

+ some people are just more direct then others, but it doenst mean they want to offend you.


For example, I have some experiments that I want to do, and a much more experienced person hear that, he would say: why do that? waste of time!
It is good of course that he would let you know what is a good direction, but as a student in science I believe that I am not the only one who wants to just try things out...

well then, hearing this makes me feel like I did the most stupid "tryout", or my ideas are just not any good...

Did he explain why its a waste of time?

If he didnt: then he wasted your time...

I sometimes also tell people that its a waste of time... but I tell them why, where the mistake is, why something has to be changed etc..
I off course dont know the details of what happened, but if he just said it was a waste of time without an explenation... then you wont learn a thing.
But even if the person with more experience said its a waste of time without the explenation, it doesnt mean you need to take it serious.. But next time, we they say such thing: ask why! (if they didnt tell you that).


Did he explain why its a waste of time?

If he didnt: then he wasted your time...

I sometimes also tell people that its a waste of time... but I tell them why, where the mistake is, why something has to be changed etc..
I off course dont know the details of what happened, but if he just said it was a waste of time without an explenation... then you wont learn a thing.
But even if the person with more experience said its a waste of time without the explenation, it doesnt mean you need to take it serious.. But next time, we they say such thing: ask why! (if they didnt tell you that).

OK, he did say why, just the way he said it made me feel stupid, mmmm, I agree with your signature, maybe as a student, I would have more of this foolish moments. He is quite experienced and he tend to stop me from doing things that he thinks is not necessary. and He kept stating that he is also saving time for me, make me more productive.I am sometimes a bit afraid of losing the ability of thinking independently.

I will try to seperate work and personal emotions.

-Summer July-

Summer July on Wed Mar 2 16:20:13 2011 said:

Did he explain why its a waste of time?

If he didnt: then he wasted your time...

I sometimes also tell people that its a waste of time... but I tell them why, where the mistake is, why something has to be changed etc..
I off course dont know the details of what happened, but if he just said it was a waste of time without an explenation... then you wont learn a thing.
But even if the person with more experience said its a waste of time without the explenation, it doesnt mean you need to take it serious.. But next time, we they say such thing: ask why! (if they didnt tell you that).

OK, he did say why, just the way he said it made me feel stupid, mmmm, I agree with your signature, maybe as a student, I would have more of this foolish moments. He is quite experienced and he tend to stop me from doing things that he thinks is not necessary. and He kept stating that he is also saving time for me, make me more productive.I am sometimes a bit afraid of losing the ability of thinking independently.

I will try to seperate work and personal emotions.

Some people are just more direct then others.
I dont know you or that other guy, but its possible he is just direct and doesnt see the harm in it.
He even explained you why its a waste off time.. this tells me that he does care about what you do and that he doesnt see you as an idiot.
(I can be wrong off course, but I think he is just being direct, he is talking about your work, not about you as a person).

BTW: you make yourself feel stupid.. not him... thats how you need to think!
(ok, I know there are jerks out there that enjoy making people feel bad, but I doubt this is the case here)
Stop thinking that every mistake is bad or that it means you are stupid... you say it yourself: he is experienced, you are not.... In 20 years from now, some student will come up to you with a question and you will say: oh, thats a waste of time because....
And keep in mind that not all people are "soft" or very gentle, some are more direct , harsh, but it doesnt mean they hate you or think you are stupid. Its just how they are.
(again: I dont know the details of the situations or how he said it and there are true idiots out there that think that everyone else is stupid, but I dont think this is the case.... I mean: how does he behave towards you? Is he still friendly ? Or does he show very clearly he doesnt like you or... I think you are looking for something that isnt there (its not personal))

And keep in mind: whenever he says something, you dont just accept it (if you dont get it, understand it), you ask why at that moment, or maybe later when you checked his theory! If you dont ask, you dont learn.. And its also a proces you need to go trough: grow a backbone, become more asertive...

PS. thinking independently also means being capable of receiving critism.... and use this critism to improve your skills. An independent person is indepedent because he or she can take critism without losing himself... Thats what independent means in the end: being able to survive, live and take the punches and not giving up!
Thinking independentely does not mean work/think independently and do everything yourself without feedback... if there is no feedback, there is no result in the end.
The mistakes you make are the moments you learn the most.


PS. thinking independently also means being capable of receiving critism.... and use this critism to improve your skills. An independent person is indepedent because he or she can take critism without losing himself... Thats what independent means in the end: being able to survive, live and take the punches and not giving up!
Thinking independentely does not mean work/think independently and do everything yourself without feedback... if there is no feedback, there is no result in the end.
The mistakes you make are the moments you learn the most.

Ahh pito, this is beautifuly said :)


Maddie on Wed Mar 2 20:27:40 2011 said:

PS. thinking independently also means being capable of receiving critism.... and use this critism to improve your skills. An independent person is indepedent because he or she can take critism without losing himself... Thats what independent means in the end: being able to survive, live and take the punches and not giving up!
Thinking independentely does not mean work/think independently and do everything yourself without feedback... if there is no feedback, there is no result in the end.
The mistakes you make are the moments you learn the most.

Ahh pito, this is beautifuly said :)

Oh yeah, Maddie....I agree...reluctantly. Who is this guy anyhow? And he doesn’t even wear a lab coat.:P

Hi Summer July and welcome to Bioforum. Regarding your situation we’ve had similar discussions here before and I agree with most of what pito said. You have to see it as a learning experience and a challenge. And there’s also no need to reinforce gender stereotypes (i.e. with girls being sensitive) just bec we react adversely to criticisms. IMO there are criticisms and there ARE criticisms. And I can see where you’re coming from.

Is this experienced person your supervisor? If you are a supervisor, then’s part of your responsibility. And I don’t expect that you shld do my work for me (that’d be a fantasy) or hold my hand every step of the way (that’s creepy) or spoonfeed me with information (gags). But after I’ve done all my reading and come up with a plan or an experimental design, don’t just tell me that it’s a waste of time and treat me like a freaking idiot.

A little guidance or pointing at the right direction is more than help enough cos to rediscover the wheel would indeed waste more time. And the socratic method (as oftenly applied by many veterans here esp to members with homework questions) is usually very effective in this case. It would allow us to think critically and analyse, to come up with our own answers, it helps build confidence and thus we learn to appreciate more what we do.

Of course there will always be students who will test the limits of any supervisor eg the slackers, the unfit, the opportunists, those who couldn’t care less etc but they usually weed themselves out (or justifiably roast them on a spit);). And those who have great potential, are determined to stay and are willing to take up the challenge should be given enough help and motivation especially at the beginning.


Thanks for all the suggestions. I had the moments when I felt upset, and today I am fine and full of energy doing my work again.

@Pito: Yes, the person is still very friendly to me and I think he is just being direct at work while I sometimes take it too personal. I agree with most of what you said, but I also would like to clarify: I am ready to make mistakes that's why sometimes I don't want him to tell me always what is the right thing to do.
But now I also know that I can think about this in another way: I can discuss about what I am thinking and think about why he thinks this is not necessary.

@Casandra: first of all, what do you mean by "I can see where you're coming from"?
That was exactly how I felt: that I was spoonfed. So we had a talk, he knows my feelings now, we had an agreement with each other.

I appreciate a lot of your suggestions, communication is certainly a great thing!
PS. never thought I was a stereotype sensitive girl, before this...

-Summer July-
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