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IPAD, IPAD2 - necessary to have it? (Mar/13/2011 )

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IPAD2 was launched in US, not too long after IPAD...
I was wondering how good is IPAD2, and any thoughts you can share regarding this product. Do you think is it necessary to buy one?

Will you get something like this?

-adrian kohsf-

adrian kohsf on Mon Mar 14 06:20:57 2011 said:

IPAD2 was launched in US, not too long after IPAD...
I was wondering how good is IPAD2, and any thoughts you can share regarding this product. Do you think is it necessary to buy one?

Will you get something like this?


Your PI doesn't have money.... You need a thermal cycler first... :P

This is all 'maya' Adrian. Its the world of 'illusion'. These are materialistic needs.
Din't music exist before, the iPod was invented... There is never a 'necessity' to buy these things.

Buying food is necessary, drinking water is necessary, iPAD is not.... :angry:

ok, enough of serious talk... ;) I think its a good device. But depends on what you are planning to use it for. Also, I am a huge fan of Samsung Products, so would suggest having a look at their Galaxy Tab as well.... should be cheaper than the iPAD.


gt_ameya on Mon Mar 14 07:20:17 2011 said:


Your PI doesn't have money.... You need a thermal cycler first... :P

This is all 'maya' Adrian. Its the world of 'illusion'. These are materialistic needs.
Din't music exist before, the iPod was invented... There is never a 'necessity' to buy these things.

Buying food is necessary, drinking water is necessary, iPAD is not.... :angry:

ok, enough of serious talk... ;) I think its a good device. But depends on what you are planning to use it for. Also, I am a huge fan of Samsung Products, so would suggest having a look at their Galaxy Tab as well.... should be cheaper than the iPAD.

:( I need a thermal cycler first...yaya...
Buying food is necessary, but iPAD is not.. yeah... I wonder this time whether Japanese will cheap sale their panasonic tablet for food... but in terms of economic trend, they will not and they will increase price instead.
In Malaysia, the selling price for Galaxy Tab is around RM2000 @ USD650... haiz...

Is another "Maya" for me after all...

-adrian kohsf-

Whats an iPAD? Is it something you use in the lab? Never heard of it.

Or are you talking about that computerthingie?
(not that I know something about it)


pito on Mon Mar 14 14:17:34 2011 said:

Whats an iPAD? Is it something you use in the lab? Never heard of it.

Or are you talking about that computerthingie?
(not that I know something about it)

:P...I may be a techidiot but at least I've seen/touched one of these....and yup, it's one of those tablet computer thingie from Prickly Pear.....

and Adrian, if you have the resources (and want to drown in the sea of excessive consumption ;)), go and get yourself one but only you would know if you really need one and if it's worth to get one...and we should have more discussion on this "Maya" thing, Ameya...:)


casandra on Mon Mar 14 14:31:55 2011 said:

pito on Mon Mar 14 14:17:34 2011 said:

Whats an iPAD? Is it something you use in the lab? Never heard of it.

Or are you talking about that computerthingie?
(not that I know something about it)

:P...I may be a techidiot but at least I've seen/touched one of these....and yup, it's one of those tablet computer thingie from Prickly Pear.....

and Adrian, if you have the resources (and want to drown in the sea of excessive consumption ;)), go and get yourself one but only you would know if you really need one and if it's worth to get one...and we should have more discussion on this "Maya" thing, Ameya...:)

They lost me when the cd-players came out. The last "techthing" I owned was a portable casette player.

I cant imagine you need such a iPAD for work or that your boss (company) would buy those things..
If you pay it yourself,ok, but expecting your company or boss would?


casandra on Mon Mar 14 14:31:55 2011 said:

:P...I may be a techidiot but at least I've seen/touched one of these....and yup, it's one of those tablet computer thingie from Prickly Pear.....

and Adrian, if you have the resources (and want to drown in the sea of excessive consumption ;)), go and get yourself one but only you would know if you really need one and if it's worth to get one...and we should have more discussion on this "Maya" thing, Ameya...:)

Exactly Casandra, I was wondering if there is any user here and how iPAD helps to transform their life into... more meaningful? more productive? How? with the exception of become poorer for few hundreds of USD...
I would very interest to know if any of the biologist geeks here own one of this...

Hmn... it seems that many ppl who managed to make such a "maya" into reality...

pito on Mon Mar 14 14:37:57 2011 said:

They lost me when the cd-players came out. The last "techthing" I owned was a portable casette player.

I cant imagine you need such a iPAD for work or that your boss (company) would buy those things..
If you pay it yourself,ok, but expecting your company or boss would?

LOLx pito, portable cassette player was something almost 20 years back? you seems don't or never own a cellphone, do you? :D
Perhaps I am proud of myself using my SE w800 for 5 years, still using though.
I don't think my PI will get those for me, and I will not buy it either unless it is proven tremendously useful or convenient for myself.
But then, I should find money to feed myself first. :D

-adrian kohsf-

I really cant imagine how an iPAD would help you?
Really.. Its nothing more then a screen that you can use to read a newspaper/book on or do some simple math? Whats the point?
Now I know you are speaking of this iPAD thingie.. I can tell you that the only people I have seen with it are total geeks that use it to read the newspaper on the bus or play idiotic games on it.. I have not yet found anyone that used it for a nice thing..
(I mean, reading the paper, ok, thats not that bad.. but buying for such a thing? Or reading a book...? oh well, everyone his pleasure I suppose? I thinks its a waste of money).

And I can understand that pc techs might need it for their job, but other people? To me its just a fancy cellphone.
BTW: what are you thinking of using it for? I mean: you think about buying it, but for what? To read a paper? To textmessage your friends...?
You must for sure have some idea why you might need it?

Well to be true about that cellphone.. I have one.. somewhere, collecting dust... :lol:
(dont even recall where I left it)


Hmn, I'm not sure whether iPAD is capable in doing such but:

<*>access to bioforum everywhere without the need to carry laptop
<*>write down my notes without notebook
<*>save my lab protocols and experimental information on the spot
<*>Presentation in seminars
<*>writing papers or reading papers
<*>primer design
<*>Access to Genbank, uniprot
<*>Chat with pito, casey, ameya and others :D

hmn...on second thought, I think a laptop suits better for such case...

Does it really functions like a cellphone? :blink:

But then, seriously, I don't have the money to own one. Just interested to know how others would think about such tablet computer, of course, in a molecular biologist perspective.

-adrian kohsf-

To be honest Adrian ( and with all respect to Apple users), I think Apple products are meant for two age groups, below 10 and above 50. I have used a MacBook and you dont even have to remember where you put the files... Its all just there...and the search does everything for you. It does not even challenge your brain. Plus there is no joy of RIGHT clicking.

Imagine the fun with windows.
My Computer> D: > Documents> Important > More important files> PDFs> paper 1 (close)> paper 2 (close) back back

My Computer> D: > Documents> Important > Read these> Papers > Good papers > PDFs> Art of Hu Gen (close) > Nuc Acds Res (close)> :angry: (Damn where did i keep it?????)

Probably its on some other drive (back back back back)

My Computer> F: > Downloads > Later > Papers > Biotechniques 1 (close) > :rolleyes: Lets play Age of Empires for while B)

Three hours later, where is the paper I wanted :blink:

You see my point, there is no challenge for the brain.... and Apple takes away your impulsiveness....

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