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His-tag Related Discussions
  1. does 5 his tag matter? - (reply: 6)
  2. heat retrieval - necessary or not? - his-tagged protein detection (reply: 3)
  3. His-tag purified protein is yellow! - (reply: 7)
  4. antibody against His-tagged protein - (reply: 3)
  5. Purification of gst and His tagged protein - after purification there are still many contaminated bands (reply: 1)
  6. HIS TAG Protein Estimation - (reply: 5)
  7. His-TAG purification - (reply: 1)
  8. native purification of His-tagged proteins from E. coli? - (reply: 1)
  9. purification of non his-tagged proteins - (reply: 4)
  10. tags - what are you using? - his-tag, strep-tag, GST, MBP.... (reply: 8)
  11. His Antibody - Is any worked with 4xHIs tag protein (reply: 1)
  12. GST or His tag for protein purification? - Tag choise + native vs denaturing conditions (reply: 2)
  13. His-tagged protein not pure - (reply: 8)
  14. his-tag protein pure but degradated during growth - his-tag protein pure but degradated during growth (reply: 15)
  15. Problem with His Tag purification - using Promega HisLink spin purification kit (reply: 1)
  16. His-tag replaced with GST-tag! - (reply: 2)
  17. Purifying protein with no his tag - (reply: 5)
  18. help with His-tagged vector construct - (reply: 2)
  19. His-tag protein purification- buffers to use - What buffers to choose for His-tag chromatography (reply: 2)
  20. His tagged protein purification - (reply: 2)
  21. HIs tag recognition problem - Ways to expose the HIS tag (reply: 1)
  22. His tag fusion question - (reply: 2)
  23. Problem in purifying fusion protein with His Tag - Fusion protein found in Flow Through (reply: 6)
  24. How many His residues? - (reply: 1)
  25. His fused protein - (reply: 2)
  26. Elution of His-tag Protein under denaturing condition - (reply: 2)
  27. His-tag: C-terminal cleavable through protease? - (reply: 1)
  28. Protein in each elution step during His-Tag purification - (reply: 4)
  29. Name of double his tag vector - looking for name of company that sells the dual his tagged vector (reply: 3)
  30. HIS tag elution woes.. - (reply: 3)
  31. Purifying His-Tagged Proteins from Insects cells on IMAC resin? - (reply: 1)
  32. What's good and bad about C-tem and N-term His tag? - (reply: 3)
  33. Protein expression. Question of V5 epitope and 6x His tag ! - (reply: 2)
  34. His tag protein binding to resin ... - can i purify off the resin? (reply: 5)
  35. GST and His tagged proteins - Does the GST give problems in His tag purification? (reply: 5)
  36. His tag purification - competition with imidazole or histidine? (reply: 5)
  37. Protein isolation - Small size His-tag Protein isolation (reply: 4)
  38. pcDNA3.1 /V5 His Topo - (reply: 4)
  39. removal of his tag - (reply: 3)
  40. His-tag protein expression problem - (reply: 4)
  41. his-tag protein expression - inoculation of large cultures with plate colonies/ starter cultures vs. glycerol (reply: 1)
  42. his-tag thrombin cleavage in-column? - as a purification strategy (reply: 1)
  43. Purified protein (his-tagged) multiple bands on gel - all picked up by antibody - what could they be? (reply: 2)
  44. His tagged protein won't elute from nickel resin - (reply: 4)
  45. Anti-PolyHistidin antibody - Best His6 antibody for western (reply: 2)
  46. His tag purification - (reply: 1)
  47. His-Tag Question (pQE30/31/32 Qiagen Vector) - (reply: 2)
  48. HA tag vs His(6) tag , with mutagenesis - (reply: 6)
  49. His-tag protein is lost - (reply: 5)
  50. buffer for His-tag recombinant protein purification - (reply: 2)
  51. his-tag protein - (reply: 7)
  52. His Tag protein purification - (reply: 3)
  53. His-tagged proteins - bacteria or mammalian systems? - Which is better and why? (reply: 1)
  54. His tag protein purification problem - Binding of undesired protein (reply: 6)
  55. quick question about insoluble his-tag purification... - (reply: 2)
  56. His tagged protein from mammalian cells - purification of His tagged (reply: 1)
  57. His tagged antigen - Does the tag need to be removed? (reply: 3)
  58. His-tagged antigens - Must the tag be removed?? (reply: 1)
  59. His-tag fusion protein detection problem - (reply: 2)
  60. His tag cleavage by Thrombin - (reply: 2)
  61. Low yield at His tagged-peptide production in labeling media - (reply: 1)
  62. DNA amount for protein expression - protein His-tag (reply: 1)
  63. No expression of his-tagged protein - (reply: 4)
  64. problem purifying a his-tag protein - (reply: 2)
  65. Unexplained His-tag cleavage - (reply: 2)
  66. why get rid of imidazole in his tag protein purification - (reply: 3)
  67. lysis is not translucent after urea treatment - need help with His tag fusion protein purification (reply: 2)
  68. his tag protein not expressing - I am stuck !!! (reply: 6)
  69. 6 His tagged protein purification - (reply: 1)
  70. His-tag design in primer - DO i need filler. (reply: 4)
  71. loss of His tag from protein made in mammalian cells? - Anyone have experience with His tag being cleaved off? (reply: 5)
  72. overexpress his-tag protein, wrong size?! - (reply: 1)
  73. His-tag protein purification - (reply: 1)
  74. problem in expression of his tag protein - (reply: 6)
  75. His tag detection problem - (reply: 2)
  76. HIS-TAG LIGATION - Ligation of His-tag into the pIMS vector (reply: 2)
  77. Silly question on His-tagged protein - (reply: 2)
  78. Appearence of non specific[non 6His tagged] proteins with Ni-NTA purification. - (reply: 16)
  79. His Tag purif buffer-to Tris or not to Tris? - best buffer for pH=7.0 (reply: 1)
  80. 6 his tagged protein purification - purification (reply: 2)
  81. protein/enzyme activity - lost activity after his tagging (reply: 1)
  82. How can I reduce background in W blotting with polyclonal serum - from HIS-tagged fusion protein (reply: 3)
  83. Site directed mutagenesis - his tag - insertional mutations (reply: 6)
  84. small protein expression in yeast - expression of an 8kD his tagged protein in yeast (reply: 1)
  85. His-tag protein purificaton, cotamination with 40-43kD protein - (reply: 1)
  86. About pH and pI for his-tagged protein purification - (reply: 2)
  87. No expression of 7kDa His-tagged protein - why? - Poor protein expression (reply: 9)
  88. His-tag degraded after purification? - (reply: 3)
  89. His-tagged protein co-eluted with associated protein - (reply: 4)
  90. His6 tag quite problematic. - Is that true? (reply: 3)
  91. His Tag purification - specificity problem (reply: 8)
  92. can i autoclave buffers with imidazole for His-tag purification? - (reply: 2)
  93. His-tagged protein binding problem - Protein Binding (reply: 1)
  94. his tag - his tag purification (reply: 2)
  95. His-Tag purification using Qiagen Ni-NTA spin column - Extra band of unknown protein beside target protei (reply: 2)
  96. His-tag protein purification - Question (reply: 9)
  97. Protein with His6 tag - (reply: 2)
  98. Protein purification - Problem with his-tag protein gel filtration (reply: 5)
  99. How imidazole can be washed off the Ni-NTA agarose beads - reuse of Ni-NTA agarose beads for His protein (reply: 2)
  100. His-tag protein purification - contamination with other... - ...His-rich proteins (reply: 15)
  101. Problem with his tag protein purification - (reply: 2)
  102. his tag purification - (reply: 1)
  103. his tag removal - (reply: 6)
  104. his and myc tags - (reply: 1)
  105. His tag protein purification problem - (reply: 66)
  106. His tagged Flagellin purification - protein going into inclusion bodies (reply: 1)
  107. His purification of a regular expressed protein - (reply: 1)
  108. His-tag purification and his-antibody for western - (reply: 2)
  109. His-tag protein purification - (reply: 5)
  110. his-tagged protein purification - (reply: 1)
  111. What does his tag stand for ? - (reply: 1)
  112. Nickle column and His-tagged protein purification - recharging Ni+2 column (reply: 1)
  113. His tag - protein purification - (reply: 2)
  114. His-tag Westerns: Bestcommercial antibody - (reply: 1)