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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Microbiology
31. No growth - (reply: 1)
32. Bio Club - Reasonable Bioluminecent Vibrio fischeri Halloween Idea? - (reply: 1)
33. X-gal in DMSO storage conditions - (reply: 1)
34. Need Help with our Research Proposal - (reply: 1)
35. Screening for pre-inflammatory inducing strains - (reply: 1)
36. Minimum how many strains to be screened to arrive at mic50 - (reply: 1)
37. Can M. tuberculosis grow on a M. smegmatis plate? - (reply: 11)
38. spectomycin - (reply: 1)
39. What bacteria is this - (reply: 20)
40. Antibiotics - (reply: 2)
41. Staphylococcus Aureus - (reply: 1)
43. bacterial culture not pelleting - (reply: 4)
44. problem in preparing minimal media containing chromium - (reply: 1)
45. No Biofilm formation - (reply: 6)
46. How to adjust the pH of a bacterial culture medium using a buffer? - (reply: 3)
47. Troubleshooting pelleting issues w/ Acinetobacter baylyi - (reply: 1)
48. PCR positive control of antibiotics resistance gene - (reply: 1)
49. Help - preserving bacteria in petri dish as art!? - (reply: 2)
50. Which genus does this mold belong to? - (reply: 2)
51. home canning - (reply: 1)
52. how to check salmonella in log phase - (reply: 1)
53. Disinfectant Efficacy Testing - (reply: 2)
54. How many bacterial species are genetically accessible/transformable at this time - (reply: 2)
55. Can someone please help me to classify the image into alpha, beta and gamma haem - (reply: 3)
56. Can I use Duran bottle instead of erlenmeyer for fungal fermentation? - (reply: 6)
57. Formula to calculate bacterial doubling time - (reply: 3)
58. Addition of 1% carbon sources into broth media - (reply: 1)
59. CNS stimulants and Algae - (reply: 1)
60. Subculturing colonies to agar - (reply: 2)

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