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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Microbiology
121. Cell counters - Beckman Coulter Z1 counter - (reply: 1)
122. Production of amylase - (reply: 1)
123. fungal enzymes - (reply: 1)
124. Colony counting/recognition software - (reply: 1)
125. How to differentiate Enterobacteriace on Gram Stain? - (reply: 3)
126. How Can I prepare Indole Reagent from Indole for Synthesis? - (reply: 4)
127. Problems with M13 phage - (reply: 5)
128. What is difference between micro- and nano-encapsulation - (reply: 1)
129. chloroform effects on bacteria - (reply: 4)
130. Concentrating bacterial cells - (reply: 2)
131. what is the structure of H5N1 - (reply: 4)
132. Ebola at Emery - (reply: 36)
133. Screen for F plasmid in e. coli - (reply: 1)
134. Colonies present but not positive - (reply: 1)
135. Grow Acetobacter - (reply: 7)
136. Genetic mapping in Escherichia coli - (reply: 3)
137. Will S. griseus grow on Columbia blood agar? - (reply: 3)
138. What is the function of halotolerant test? - (reply: 3)
139. How Yakut encapsulate their probiotics? - (reply: 1)
140. Growth at the margin of my agar plates - (reply: 3)
141. MIC analysis of dosage form antibiotics - (reply: 1)
142. Centrifuging for pelletising bacteria - (reply: 1)
143. How to preserve bacteria at 4 degree - (reply: 4)
144. What antibiotic use for probiotic testing - (reply: 3)
145. Isolation and identification of soil species - (reply: 2)
146. MIC analysis - (reply: 5)
147. washing pellets; recovery of isolates in glycerol - (reply: 14)
149. Spanish flu - (reply: 18)
150. How to deal with the interference between bacterial 16SrDNA and plastid ribosoma - (reply: 2)

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