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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Microbiology
481. Pediocin resistance protocol - (reply: 1)
482. Microtiter plate method - (reply: 2)
483. How to analyze a food sample for possible bacterial contamination - Food that is involved in a minor outbreak (reply: 4)
484. TSB growth problem - (reply: 3)
485. Staph strain on MSA - (reply: 3)
486. Lysogenization Kit glucose instead of maltose? - (reply: 2)
487. E coli CFUs - 48h incubation - silly Q! (reply: 2)
489. question - glucose additin to media (reply: 2)
490. lambda phage library - (reply: 4)
491. Need a NO SALT physiological buffer - Sucrose instead of PBS? (reply: 3)
492. Alcohol effect on genetic manipulated E.coli. - (reply: 1)
493. Pichia Pastoris - contamination (reply: 2)
494. What would this smell like? - (reply: 1)
495. CFU/cm2 ??? HOW - (reply: 3)
496. Differentiating Ecoli from Agrobacteria quickly. - Noob mistake, I am paying for now. (reply: 2)
497. E.coli suddenly death?? - (reply: 6)
498. Help Identify Unknown Organism - I saw this under my microscope (reply: 7)
499. yeast spore elimination - (reply: 3)
500. Tips on fermenting DH5alpha and MG1655 - e.coli cells never leave lag phase during fermentation (reply: 1)
501. dissolving flavonoids in DMSO - (reply: 3)
502. E.Coli growth at 4 degrees? - (reply: 8)
503. dilution dilemma - lost with calculations (reply: 8)
504. contamination in kanamycin plate - (reply: 5)
505. Eliminate bacteria(l DNA) from hypochlorite-treated nematode eggs - (reply: 2)
506. bacteria inhibiting Staphyllococcus aureus - what to do more (reply: 6)
507. Pichia pastoris _problem zeocine resistence - (reply: 1)
508. Unknown Fungus - Looking to Identify unknown fungus (reply: 4)
509. Long term storage of bacteria in fetal calf serum -70 or -80 - Temperature issues (reply: 3)
510. T-DNA transfer - (reply: 1)

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