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Formula to calculate bacterial doubling time - (Apr/18/2016 )

Hi all,


I've checked the OD600 of my bacteria culture every hour and derive the doubling time manually from plotting graph by hand. 


But I wonder for my thesis writing, I probably needed use excel and formulas. 


I came across many formulas in this case but don't really understand them.




g=1/k, where g=doubling time and k is growth rate.

The formula for growth rate is k=logXt-logX0/0.301t.


Can anyone explain the formula for k?



-Meg P. Anula-

I've solved it thanks.

-Meg P. Anula-

Meg P. Anula on Mon Apr 18 16:41:15 2016 said:

I've solved it thanks.

Maybe you should show how you solved it?

For people in the future with the same problem.


I am guessing you used the standard formula using the natural number e? Or how did you calculate it?

something like this:



pito on Tue Apr 19 15:44:49 2016 said:


Meg P. Anula on Mon Apr 18 16:41:15 2016 said:

I've solved it thanks.

Maybe you should show how you solved it?

For people in the future with the same problem.


I am guessing you used the standard formula using the natural number e? Or how did you calculate it?

something like this:




No I stil used the same formula as I mentioned about:




The problem was I forgot to change the time unit from hour to min and thought I got the wrong answer. Silly me laugh.png

-Meg P. Anula-