Using zVAD-FMK - (Jul/21/2010 )
I will use zVAD-FMK to inhibit caspases in my cell lines. Regarding this, I was wondering if someone here in the forum could help me in 2 things:
1) What is the best strategy for the incubation with zVAD? A pre-incubation and removal of zVAD followed by treatment with drug or concomitant incubation with zVAD and drug?
2) What can I do to check if zVAD is indeed doing its job? I thought about using a drug known to induce caspase-dependent cell death only, but it's not easy to find this...
Thanks in advance.
1- both should work,but first strategy better
2- UV your treated and untreated samples and see the difference. uv triggers intracellular apoptosis within 30-45 min
Thank you very much. Regarding the pre-incubation with zVAD-FMK, for how long would you do the treatment?