Cell stimulation of transcription - (Jul/26/2010 )
Hi Everyone
I am very new to the cell culture scene so i was wondering if anyone can help me?
I have a T cell line and i want to stimulate transcription of my gene of interest. How do i find out what would stimulate transcription of my gene?
Also can you buy transcription factors? if so where from?
How about www.google.com? I could also recommend www.yahoo.com.
Type in "T cell line stimulate transcription of (gene of interest)", you'll find lots of pages.
A more scientific approach http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/gquery or http://scholar.google.co.uk/.
TF you can find here http://mgc.nci.nih.gov/, here http://image.hudsonalpha.org/html/query_tools.shtml or here http://fantom3.gsc.riken.jp/.
hope this helps,
Minna on Mon Jul 26 12:29:30 2010 said:
How about www.google.com? I could also recommend www.yahoo.com.
Type in "T cell line stimulate transcription of (gene of interest)", you'll find lots of pages.
A more scientific approach http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/gquery or http://scholar.google.co.uk/.
TF you can find here http://mgc.nci.nih.gov/, here http://image.hudsonalpha.org/html/query_tools.shtml or here http://fantom3.gsc.riken.jp/.
hope this helps,
that page, google.com...is a new one, right?
yeah, sorry, but your question is just a bit too unspecific. So I'd suggest you either search yourself, or you provide us with some more info.
LPS you can get at Sigma.
Looking at UCSC i have found NFKB and POL2 binding sites what is thought to be the promoter. Could i stimulate transcription by pol2? how?
Also i have looked at purchasing LPS, would the method used to extract the LPS affect my experiment? eg phenol extraction or trichloroacetic acid extraction?