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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Tissue-and-Cell-Culture
61. Transfection with lipofectamine - (reply: 1)
62. Wound healing assay - (reply: 1)
63. Are Bio-rad gene-pulser cuvettes compatible with a Lonza nucleofector 2b system? - (reply: 1)
64. Recovering cells from ancient sample - (reply: 3)
65. Why are my Huh 7s dying after transfections? - (reply: 1)
66. immunofluorescence staining protocol question - (reply: 1)
67. Importance of reagent expiration dates - (reply: 1)
68. Cell Line confluence level - (reply: 1)
69. too much cell density can influence adhesion to culture plate - (reply: 1)
70. Shipment conditions for cultured cells - (reply: 3)
71. Trouble transfecting HEK 293 T and HUH 7 cells - (reply: 1)
72. 3T3-L1 cell contamination - (reply: 3)
73. Secondary goat antirabbit and antimouse conjuagated to alexa showing fluorescenc - (reply: 3)
74. Solubilizing agarose in soft agar assay for absorbance reading - (reply: 1)
75. immunostaining of 3D tissue followed by dissociation - (reply: 1)
76. Culture Tubes for CHO cells - (reply: 1)
77. SHSH5Y cells - (reply: 1)
78. transfection of suspended CHO cells - (reply: 2)
79. Hek293 transfection help!!!! - (reply: 1)
80. why is my cells dying in the centre of the wells after transfections - (reply: 1)
81. How to establish drug-resistant cell lines? - (reply: 1)
82. Are normal or immortalized human epithelial cells clonogenic? - (reply: 1)
83. SMC turn to Fibroblasts - (reply: 1)
84. Fibroblast Cell Culture Issue - Cells grouping together and cell clusters observ - (reply: 5)
85. Help with HUVEC cell transfection - (reply: 3)
86. Cell clumps or contamination? Please help! - (reply: 1)
87. MDA-kb2 cells - problem with luciferase expression - (reply: 6)
88. Contamination in 96 well clonal selection plates - (reply: 2)
89. Abnormality in PMA treated THP1 cells - (reply: 1)
90. Combining close passage numbers? - (reply: 2)