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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Tissue-and-Cell-Culture
511. Use-by-date of antibiotic & serum in media - (reply: 6)
513. Fibronectin coating - (reply: 1)
514. Which is a better way to culture cells after thawing ? - (reply: 2)
515. PC12 Infection protocol - (reply: 1)
516. What is the activity of 1X Trypsin solutions? - (reply: 3)
517. Why cmv promoter is only for transient expression? - (reply: 1)
518. WANTED: Suggestions on how to decontaminate with formalin/formaldehyde - (reply: 8)
519. insulin concentration for tissue culture - (reply: 3)
520. Cell Fixation for DNA flow cytometry in fibroblasts - (reply: 2)
521. Question about HeLa cell overconfluence - (reply: 3)
522. 293T cell contamination post-transfection - (reply: 1)
523. Rat Aorta - simple question - (reply: 1)
524. HEK293T cells are too fragile?? - (reply: 2)
525. number of splitting after defrozing cells - (reply: 2)
526. Permeability coefficient unit, cm/s - (reply: 1)
527. MilliQ water vs bi-distilled water - (reply: 4)
528. Detaching Breast Cancer cells (MCF-10A, HCC70) without trypsin- used for FACs - (reply: 4)
529. counting cells before adding them to 96 well plate - (reply: 7)
530. Cell Suspension - (reply: 2)
531. What will happen if the cell culture medium is suddenly changed to another one? - (reply: 5)
532. MDA-MB-231 cells undergoing senescence- help! - (reply: 2)
533. HEK 293T Transfection problem - (reply: 4)
534. Help, I accidently warmed my media componemts to 57ºC! - (reply: 3)
535. Eliminate erythrocytes from culture - (reply: 4)
536. storage of foetal calf serum - (reply: 3)
537. Accidental wrong concentration of DMSO for freezing - (reply: 1)
538. How to remove mycoplasma contamination in cell lines? - (reply: 5)
539. [Question] How to remove cell debris stuck on the attached cells in primary card - (reply: 2)
540. Powder indomethacin in cell culture media?? - (reply: 2)