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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Tissue-and-Cell-Culture
541. 3D MAMMALIAN TISSUE culture - (reply: 1)
542. How many generation of HEK293 cell can undergo? - (reply: 1)
543. [Question] how to make primary-cultured cells evenly distributed? - (reply: 11)
544. small dots in cell culture - (reply: 2)
545. G418 advice in estab;lishing stable cell line - (reply: 1)
546. Ampicillin resistance selector - (reply: 3)
547. Excellent book for new user - (reply: 1)
548. How much liquid nitrogen for vapour phase storage? - (reply: 3)
549. About trypsinizing adherent cells in 96-well plates - (reply: 2)
550. Passaging cells - (reply: 12)
551. Long fibroblast cytoplasmic extensions, purpose? (Picture included) - (reply: 2)
552. cobalt chloride not inducing hypoxia - (reply: 3)
553. How to identify beta pancreatic cells in dish of heterogenous cells? - (reply: 12)
554. DMMB assay for sGAG determination - (reply: 1)
555. Cell Splitting Ratio Question - (reply: 5)
556. Incubator--how to use rocker inside? - (reply: 1)
557. Pen/Strep from Sigma unit confusion - (reply: 3)
558. Sf9 cell suspension culture - (reply: 5)
559. Help! Clontech Xfect is killing my T-Rex HeLa cells!!! Why! - (reply: 1)
560. How long are cells viable on ice - (reply: 2)
561. odd crystal structure in my matrigel - (reply: 1)
562. What is the density of a human skin cell? - (reply: 8)
563. Primary Dermal Fibroblast isolation - (reply: 1)
564. Transfection Rate - (reply: 1)
565. Endotoxins-free FBS - (reply: 3)
566. serumm free culture of adherent cho cells - (reply: 1)
567. Can u suggest any myoepithelial cell isolation protocol with the help of reagent - (reply: 1)
568. Calcium Phosphate transfection - storage? - (reply: 1)
569. Long-Term Culturing of SH-SY5Y Cells - (reply: 1)
570. Aortic smooth muscle cell contamination - (reply: 1)