Shipment conditions for cultured cells - (Sep/02/2015 )
I have a flask of cells and need to ship it abroad. Anybody knows at which temperature it must be shipped?
4 degrees or room temperature. By the way the shipment process might take 3-7 days.
If you have to send them as a flask, then room temp is fine, just fill the flask completely full with medium, then pack them well in a polystyrene container to prevent sudden temperature changes.
To ensure the least risk of cell damage it is usually recommended to send frozen cells on dry ice...
Thank you Bob.
Unfortunately we have to ship them in flasks. \
But do you think cells will survive 3-7 days at room temperature,bearing in mind that they might be hold on costumes at 40-50 degrees.
They should be OK, I have had shipments of live cells come that have taken 2-3 weeks in transit, crossing the equator in the process, so I would guess that they sat in a warehouse in either Hong Kong or Singapore while in transit, not to mention the conditions in the hold of an aircraft.