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How much liquid nitrogen for vapour phase storage? - (Jul/31/2012 )

Hi there,

I have a 22 litre liquid nitrogen storage tank and would like to know how much LN you would put in there to store samples in the vapour phase.

Thanks a lot.



I would have filled the liquid as much as there was room to add, to make sure I have enough vapor. We usually fill with liquid to cover the last cryobox, which is usually 2/3 of the tank. When we open the tank after a while it is already filled with gas.


But the way you describe it you do not store your samples in the vapour phase, but in the actual liquid nitrogen. I guess, as my tank unfortunatley came without any sample holders, I see what I can get and then fill the tank just enough so the liquid does not touch my samples.
cheers though mate


My students do.
