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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR-Reagents-and-Equipments
1. Tissue homogenizer? - (reply: 1)
2. digital PCR - (reply: 1)
3. PCR cycler with end product fluorescence detector - (reply: 5)
4. Quad-head thermocyclers - (reply: 2)
5. Phusion 2x not working - (reply: 4)
6. labX offers on realtime PCR machines - (reply: 4)
7. ABI 7300 qRT-PCR and ddCT protocol - (reply: 1)
8. PCR machine - (reply: 3)
9. How I can find customers? - (reply: 3)
10. PCR HELP!!!! - (reply: 1)
11. what do you think abouth Life technologies? are they good? promega? quiagen?? - (reply: 1)
12. DNA polymerase for GC rich template? - (reply: 5)
13. Thermal cycler recommendation - (reply: 7)
14. Best proof-reading polymerase? - (reply: 13)
15. Which is the best vendor to get oligos from? - (reply: 7)
16. 7500 Reaction Volume - (reply: 3)
17. Minicentrifuge order - (reply: 3)
18. Sonicator for ChIP - (reply: 3)
19. Real Time PCR! - (reply: 1)
20. real time PCR machine - (reply: 5)
21. Need waterbath recommendation - (reply: 1)
22. PCR reagents, can I use reagents from different manufacturers? - (reply: 6)
23. Different Thermocyclers giving Different results - (reply: 5)
24. Zymo Research kits - Any good? (reply: 9)
25. Opinions on Fermentas DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix? - (reply: 3)
26. Antibody Blues - Help (reply: 1)
27. Problems with Phusion Polymerase (Finnzymes) - (reply: 3)
28. UNIJET II and UNIVAPO ECH 150 - how to use (reply: 5)
29. Qiagen DNAeasy blood&tissue DNA isolation kit - (reply: 1)
30. ds cDNA synthesis kit - one step or two step (reply: 2)

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