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Zymo Research kits - Any good? (Dec/09/2009 )

Hi, all! I recently had the opportunity to adopt a bunch of Zymo research DNA & RNA purification kits from a lab that moved out of the building, but I was hesitant to try them on any of our precious samples before I knew if they were any good. Anyone have experience with these kits (or other Zymo kits)? Are they any good?



to my point of view they are quite okay ...they performe as good as qiagen or promega kits (i've used them all). Stick to the protocol and it should be no problem!



I have great luck with the 96 well genomic DNA plates from Zymo. High marks, and cheap too!


I like zymo kits (PCR and gel purification kit, DNA modification kit). Some time ago I got those kits as free samples. After tried them, I use them for all my DNA purification. The beauty of it is that you can obtain high concentration of your purified DNA.


Awesome! I'll be sure to use these kits, then. Thanks, everyone!


Yeah, I have tried their DNA Methylation Kits. They are quite good!!!



same as any other kits. No special points for that. Of course, Its cheaper.


Recently we purchased Zymo-research competent cell tranformation kit and we get Tranformation efficiency of 106 only. As per the kit protocols, we are suppose to get efficiency of 109.

When we received the kit, we find the wash buffer in brown colour. Is this the reason for getting low efficiency. Any comments who use this product.

-Deepak Singh Lourembam-

I think you should ask for a replacement. Your efficiency should be much higher. Why is there a wash buffer in a transformation kit? Competent cells are very sensitive to storage conditions, so perhaps the cells were stored incorrectly in transit.


Hi guys

EarthOx Life Science ( ) provides comprehensive products including molecular kits, PCR and qPCR regents as well as antibodies and ELISA kits.

Feel free to let me know if you need anything in your lab. We will be glad to provide free samples.

